The pain of the Queen

(In the meantime in the Queen's palace)

Fotini: Evangelia! Thank the Spirits you are here.

E(breathing heavily): I got your energy message. What has happened?

F: Mary

E: Not again.

F: She is waiting for you in your office

E: I was only gone for half an hour

F: I dont know if it is about that but she certainly seems displeased

E: Has she ever been happy?

(Queen' s office)

(🎶Please,please forgive me🎶)

E: Sorry I am late

(🎶But I wont be home again🎶)

M: You shouldnt have been gone at all. Where were you again?

(🎶Maybe someday you'll look up🎶)

E: Out.

(🎶And barely consious you will say to no one🎶)

M: With that thing again?

(🎶Isnt something missing?🎶)

E: Dont you have anything better to do than scold me?

(🎶You wont cry for my absence,I know🎶)

M: No,because…

(Throws a pile of papers on the desk)

(🎶You forgot me long ago🎶)

M: I have completed my work three hours ago but I was forced to wait for you for 20 whole minutes,thus delaying my other obligations because you decided you should visit a mortal.

(🎶Am I that unimportant?🎶)

E: Demigod,well I think so.

(🎶Am I so insignificant?🎶)

M: I dont care.You left. Again.

(🎶Isnt something missing?🎶)

E: Do you want me to sign these reports and not waste anymore of your time or do you prefer remain here and accuse me of not being an efficient bureaucrat;

(🎶Isnt someone missing me?🎶)

(Sits down at desk and grabs the first report but Mary comew from behind and hugs her shoulder)

M: Why do you leave? Dont you have everything you desire right here?

(🎶Even though Im the sacrifice,you wont try for me,not now🎶)

E: Since when do you care about what I desire?

(🎶Though I'd die to know you love me🎶)

M: I am your energy companion,Eve. Thats all I care about.

(🎶Im all alone🎶)

E: But my role as a queen comes first.Right?

(🎶Isnt someone missing me?🎶)

M: I am sorry but thats how things are. And basically,I dont understand why are you complaining.You have not one but three of the most sacred and rare type of bonds in the universe. You have energy companions.You have a whole additional system to support these bonds. You have an energy system that is connected to your nervous system

(At that moment Mary touches Evangelia's arm and a bright line appeared)

(🎶Please,please forgive me.🎶)

M: So beautiful. I do not understand you,I really dont. The universe has given you such a splendid gift and has only asked one thing of you. To be its Queen. Cant you do that?

(🎶But I wont be home again🎶)

E: I dont understand how you do it

(🎶I know what you do to youself🎶)

M: Do what?

(🎶I breathe deep and cry out🎶)

E: Act like your role as princess and as my energy companion are one and the same

(🎶Isnt something missing me?🎶)

M: One is my job,the other is a pleasure that enables my job.They are different.

(🎶Isnt someone missing me?🎶)

(Silence. Evangelia looks with pained stare at Maria's expressionless face)

(🎶Even though Im the sacrifice

You wont try for me, not now

Though Id die to know you love me🎶)

E: I see

(🎶Im all alone🎶)

E: Now if you will please,I would like to finish these reports.

(🎶Isnt someone missing me?🎶)

M: I will sit down and wait for them

(🎶And if I bleed🎶)

E: Mary?

M: Yes?

(🎶I'll bleed🎶)

E: Can we….. reschedule the meeting next week?

(🎶Knowing you don't care🎶)

M: Why? Come one. You know its too important to leave for later just because its your birthday

(And If I sleep)

E: ...Im sure one day wont cause a problem.

(🎶Just to dream of you🎶)

(Mary thinking)

M: No. I need that decision so I will know how to procede with my reformations in the family structure. Humans wont wait for us to celebrate

(🎶I will wake without you there🎶)

E: I see

(🎶Isn't something missing?🎶)

E: Sorry to have asked such a silly thing

(🎶Even though Im the sacrifice

You won't try for me, not now

Though I'd die to know you love me🎶)

(Mary doesn't answer)

(🎶Im all alone🎶)

(Evangelia takes the report)

(🎶Isnt something missing?🎶)


(I🎶snt someone missing me?🎶)

(A knock on the door)

E: Come in.

(Erika enters the room)

E: Erika!

Erika: Am I interrupting something?

M: Yes

E: No. How can I help you?

Er: Im afraid that I have a matter that requires your immediate attention.

M: The queen is busy at the moment,Erika

Er: You shall not decide the priorities of the Queen

Ε: Is it an emergency?

Er: Unfortunately,yes.

E: Then it cant be helped. Sorry,Mary,these reports will have to wait.

(Stands up and Maria seems dipleased)

Er: Give me one moment,your Highness and I will be right out.

(Evangelia exits the room)

Mary: For someone who claims to be in a hurry,you sure waste a lot of time

Er: For someone who claims that the energy bond is a gift,you sure know so little of it

M: What do you mean?

Er: I felt her distress.And it was suffocating.

M: Maybe she wouldn't suffer so much if she was more resilient. But how can that happen when you are always coming to her rescue?

Er: Strength is not more important than happiness.

M: Maybe for a mortal. But she is the Queen.

Er: She is more than that

M: There isn't anything higher than that.

(Erika sighs and turns to leave but turns back)

Er: Oh. Before I forget. Unless you want to be publicly humiliated reschedule the meeting because me,Andromeda amd Fotini are planning a suprise trip for Evangelia on her birthday. And I dont suppose you would object. After all,you wouldn't want anyone to.find out that you were the only princess not invited.

M: This kingdom is thriving because of me.

Er: Believe what you like. No one cares what you believe anyway. Only what you say.

(Erika exita the room and meets Evangelia on the corridor where they start walking)

E: So whats the emergency?

Er: I missed you.

E: Is that an emergency?

Er: It is to me. Shall we go horse riding?

E: Yeah.I need that.But before that…can I ask you a question?

Er: Of course

E: Do you think I am ungrateful? That I complain too much? Mary believes..

(Erika shushed her)

Er: Mary is the one not grateful enough for having something she doesn't deserve

You are worthy of everything you have and you prove it everyday. Now,dont mention her name anymore. Let's relax a bit.

E: Yes,Lets!