Chapter 37: hidden desires

Chapter 37: hidden desires

But the curse has given her a notification saying that even the essence in the cum can make her stronger along with what she was stealing using the fucking steal skill.

She felt like she is becoming stronger as she was fucked and pleasured.

Even the cum inside seems to loss its essence and vitality.

This lost vitality and power are being merged into her body slowly like a steady stream of water.

As she became stronger her pleasure and lust also increased causing her to become crazy with lewd thoughts.

This is not because of the acting of the system.

This was her original desire that was brought out by the consequences created by the system.

Big bear fucked her like this till lunch time and gave a short break for Lisa to grasp her breath.

Also he wanted to eat something before continuing to fuck Lisa.

He has decided to fuck Lisa until evening to commemorate that he took her virginity and got such a great fuck toy for himself.

Initially he doesn't want anyone to fuck Lisa other than himself but he has to share her with his brothers that gave information on Lisa.

If not there is a chance that they would recent him and make things difficult for him.

Even though he is strong he cannot just do whatever he likes.

A leader can be leader only if the subordinates obey him and treat him as a leader.

If they rebelled together and stabbed him in the back then the result would be the worst possible conditions.

For this he has to share simple things like women with his men to get the best out of it.

At the very least he has to let them fuck her once so that they would not complain.

So he has decided to hold a small party tonight.

"I am going to call some of my friends to play with you tonight.

Don't worry about John as I am going to put him into deep sleep with some sleeping powder.

But before that I will fill your pussy by the time it was evening...."

As he said there words, he started to fuck Lisa even harder as Lisa's moans reverberated through the floor.

Fortunately there are not many people that know the voice of Lisa and they simply though that some adventurer is having fun with a bitch.

As for John he went out of the town to hunt some monster rabbits.

They were hard to catch as they are nimble.

It took them all the way until the sky turned dark to catch a single monster rabbit.

It has a pair of blood red eyes with sharp front teeth and some nails that are as sharp as its teeth.

The size of the body is not that big, just a little over the size of a normal rabbit.

Which capturing and killing this monster rabbit he got many injuries and bruises.

There is nothing life threatening but the problem here is that the injuries are interfering with his movements.

Even though he trained he was still a novice that turned 18 years old just few days before Lisa.

So he was also a level 0 like Lisa that has some basic training done.

Only after the level increases did the effect of the training would come out and improve his body.

This is the same for all the people of the world.

In the evening when big bear was finally exhausted, he left Lisa to rest a little.

He has invited her to the basement where hot water was prepared in a tub.

He carried Lisa there in his arms while she was still naked.

That was spectacular scene to see Lisa's body being carried in princess pose with cum flowing out of her swollen pussy.

Because of all the strong fucking Lisa's legs was hard to move as her pussy was swollen red.

Her pussy lips became twice as big as they were previously.

But they looked even sexier looking at them.

When they are passing by the steps many people saw Lisa's body but her face was covered as she hid to the side because of the embarrassment.

All the people were able to see all of her body and her secret and embarrassing places with cum dripping out of hit.

But that thing excited her again.

Her body also rapidly healing and the swollen parts and bruises were just for show on the skin.

As soon as she rests or applies some medicine it will be healed immediately.

It was only for a few seconds that her exhibitionist show lasted and the people that saw her mostly the workers of the tavern.

Since they know their boss they simply feasted upon Lisa's body with their eyes.

The people that looked at the body of Lisa other than the workers of the tavern were also feasting their eyes looking at Lisa but when they looked at big bear they immediately stopped.

The size of the big bear was so big that he can practically scare children to cry with just his looks.

Just thinking that such a person fucked her made Lisa unhappy but the size, shape and power of his cock made her droll to have more.

Finally they reached the basement where the hot water was prepared in a tub in advanced.

Let us take a good bath in this hot water.

"I mixed in a medicine that can heal your wounds and prepare you for the night.

You don't have to worry I will let you rest tomorrow in the name of the guild task.

Also I will increase the amount of money and single you out for the task.

As you said before you are my bitch so I have to take care of you...

Don't worry I will take your repayment with your body...."

Lisa's body trembled a little when she heard the words of big bear.

She enjoyed all of this but she has to move on.......


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