Chapter 50: planning and suspicion

Chapter 50: planning and suspicion

She was like a fish in the water as she moved slowly towards the bath house.

As usual she spends some coins to take a good nice bath and returned to an empty alley to put on her dress.

On the way she bought some things that are useful to John and her along with some protective gear.

All of this was packed in her back pack.

She returned to the tavern as if nothing happened.

That night she doesn't have to serve any customer as a waitress.

The reason is John did not have any injuries today and successfully level up to level 5.

He became proficient in hunting making this change.

Also giving the sleeping powder daily will cause John to develop resistance to it and requires some stop time.

Well Lisa also needs some time off as he cannot break her mind making her a fuck toy with broken mind.

So, big bear let her have a few days off and some time for her to restore.

This did not change the opinion of Lisa towards the big bear instead it became worse.

He wanted to use her as a permanent money making bitch behind the back of John.

Because of the innocence skill passively activation, no matter how broken her mind would become it would return back to her innocent and shy self with the pride of princess.

Even her exhibitionist tendencies and fetishes were being suppressed by this skill.

The other people that looked at her were also being affected by this skill and become like a beast that wanted to damage the flower garden.

The pure things were always the target of the impure beast like human hearts.

Most people look at her innocent self and wanted to fuck her as hard as they can and corrupt her in the worst perverted way possible.

For this John has become her weakness that was taken advantage by these people to get to Lisa and fuck her as they please.


Well even though she was given a brake there is one regular customer that is corrupting the mind of Lisa every day.

This was none other than big bear.

He is making her do all kinds of perverted things when John went out for hunting daily in the morning.

Well she can only comply as she doesn't want anything bad to happen with either John or herself.


She hid the back pack in the room along with her clothes so that they would not be checked.

Her next target is the one that does the registration at the guild called Mak.

Well not today but tomorrow.

Lisa was already exhausted with all the things today and it is already dark outside so she returned to the tavern after her killing and looting the guards.


Deep sleep has became a habit of John in the past few days

Even without the sleeping powder he would sleep like a log at night.

After he slept, Lisa was called out by the big bear to his pig stay like room.

This is not the first time Lisa came here but she would surprise by the dirtiness of this room every time she came here.

Also this is the very next room that they were staying.

The calling for Lisa was also heard from the peep hole in the wall.

Lisa has no choice but to comply with the perverted orders of the big bear.

She would wear various perverted outfits every day and the big bear would fuck her.

Sometimes he would take her completely naked into the dark alley behind the tavern and fuck her there.

There are night patrols, beggars and many other stragglers roaming on the streets.

The thrill that caused by the chance of these people noticing made Lisa has an orgasm many times.

This is also a way to corrupt her mind with these sexual fetishes and desires by the big bear.

Like that there are many way he would make her surrender to him and even beg him to fuck her so as to get out of some sticky situations.

Today it was in a bunny dress she was fucked by the big bear and after a quick bath she was sent back to rest.

If it was any other woman, her mind would have been broken by all these things by now.

Because of the skills from the curse and her strong will for revenge, Lisa was able to maintain her sanity.


In the morning next day Lisa started to work on the accounting work of big bear.

She was not exempted from the original work that was given through the guild task.

That is till John left and after that she will be played by big bear or some other things decided by the big bear.

Today there was a commotion in the tavern and big bear was also gloomy.

There was a search going on everywhere in the town.

The reason is two of the guards were found dead.

Lisa was cautious enough to hide the corpses in the house and should not found so soon.

But she made a mistake.

That is these guards were not on a free day instead they were summoned for a special trip and were sent home to make some arrangements.

So when the follow up came to check the houses were locked.

They became suspicious and checked around only to find that those two guards returned to the house and met a suspicious looking person in a cloak.

This caused the suspicion to grow bigger and a search team was allotted.

These two guards did not have a good back ground but they have said to found information related to some treasure trove ruins in the forest near the town.

But the location was not given out by them to those superiors.

These guards threatened the superiors that they would die with the secret so they were added in as partners.....


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