Chapter 64: today you are a dog

author's words:

P A T R E O longer supports this novel because of some content issues

I no longer want to update regularly it here because it would not earn me back anything

you can find upto 190 chapters on smashwords


Chapter 64: today you are a dog

She cannot take out the cum that she swallowed with her mouth though.

She smiled bitterly thinking of her current life from her previous life.

Well she slowly moved her body to clean off her body as the water became dirty.

She called in the servant to change the water for her to wash again.

This is the same servant that fucked her just now.

He did not speak only did as Lisa asked him to.

After changing the water he left again.

Lisa doesn't know the reason for this behavior.

Most probably when he was fucking her there might be someone watched them or big bear has watched him doing the dirty job.

Well whatever may be the case she don't care.

She soaked in the hot water relaxing her body from all the pain from the muscles.

As she tried to clean her pussy she became a little aroused because of the sensitiveness.

At the same time all of her injured areas started to become warm and started to heal.

This made her discover that as long as she was aroused her injuries will be healed slowly.

The horny points meter has returned to zero but she know that in the evening she will be fucked to the brim from the publicity that she made yesterday.

She slowly moved her hands touching various parts of the body including her pussy and ass hole.

There seems to be no change at all.

With all the fucking her pussy should be enlarged a little and her ass hole should be stretched out too.

Even her tits should be stretched a little because of all the pulling yesterday.

But there is nothing everything has returned back to how it is when she was still a princess.

That is just like that on her birthday at the peak of her beauty.

She made some conjectures that the curse is maintaining her body and beauty.

Her pussy and ass hole are as tight as ever.

Her boobs did not sag even a little like she was completely untouched.

With that skill called a virgin for ever man it can be said that her body will returns to the untouched beautiful state after some time after being fucked.

Well there is no proof for this theory but her current situation seems to be so.

She rested to recover her stamina as she soaked her body in the hot water.

After the water cooled down she stepped out of the water tub.

At that moment a servant came carrying another dress for her.

This dress is different from yesterday.

Still it is a tight fit dress with two holes for her nipples and nipple patches to be visible outside.

A slit like opening right on the top of her pussy, the pussy will become visible if someone opened the skit of the clothes.

There is a bronze metal ring that is stuck between her butt cheeks right on the top of her ass hole which is revealed completely.

Any normal dick can pass through the ring and enter her ass hole.

Other than this the entire thing looked like a tight fit full body track suit.

Lisa doesn't know what big bear is planning with her.

But she did not have a choice in this matter.

Wearing this dress bulged her tits and nipples pierced through the provided holes.

As for her ass it was also bulged out but the ring between her butt cheeks made it hard for her to walk straight.

Instead crawling on the ground like a dog is easy for her.

For some reason this seems to be the correct setting for her as there is a dog collar and a leash along with the clothes.

She put on the clothes and by that time she put on the dog collar big bear came.

"Good that dress suits you.

You will me my dog and serve the customers if there are any for you.

As for the dress you are going to be a display with your ass open for the public from now one right beside the special room yesterday.


He gave her a few more instructions before pulling her lease like he was pulling a dog.

Lisa's body was already painful and she cannot go on like this.

All she can do is to leave her body in the hands of customers and this big bear.

It seems that her ass hole is the special on the menu today for this tavern.

Well it is early morning and there won't be many that want to fuck someone early in the morning.

Most probably she will be put on display to raise the popularity for the evening.

She moved on her hands and knees with her tits juggled for her movements and her ass shook painfully by her leg movements and the pressing ring.

Right beside the special guest room there is a table in place of the chair yesterday.

Big bear helped her on the table and spread her legs wide showing her ass hole.

He put a pillow for her head and made her spread her pussy with her fingers.

She will be in this position till the customers arrive.

Any customer can come and touch her to feel up the goods before having a try on her.

There are new items like instant anal and instant pussy fuck where they can fuck her right there.

Only if they were to book her for an hour or more will they will send her into the special room with the customer.

Lisa acted as she was told.

Even if she wanted to move her body was so painful that she can hardly move from that place.

So she simply rested on the spot without moving like she was told to.

The dog leash on her neck was tied to a holder on the side and a bowl of milk and food was given to her just like someone gives to a pet dog...…


author's words:

P A T R E O longer supports this novel because of some content issues

I no longer want to update regularly it here because it would not earn me back anything

you can find upto 190 chapters on smashwords


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