Something I didn't ask for

Richard's wedding arrived

I came with Camilla, we wore our best clothes.

We held each other like husband and wife. We became bridesmaids.

I was so happy for them, I almost cried over it. I kept the event entertaining by filling in for the bridal dance. Richard and Silvie chose to dance, I told Louis to dance with his girlfriend while Camilla I told to rest because I was afraid she was tired.

"Allow me to play a song at the dance, the bride and groom and guests are welcome to enjoy my music and singing" I bowed and sat in front of the piano.

If this is my destiny, please help me to be able to play this piano.

I wish you would give me piano knowledge.

[Your wish has been granted, the knowledge of the piano has been recorded in your brain]

Thank God this event is destined, how about my feelings. I thought of this song because I was afraid, I was afraid Camilla would leave, I was afraid Richard and Louis would leave before me.

As I get ready to start playing, I look at all the guests and Camilla.

"Please enjoy" I started to play the piano and the song I chose was 'Die For You'. I started to sing, the whole audience and Camilla looked at me in amazement, I kept looking into Camilla's eyes, the duo started to dance with her lover and the other guests also followed suit.

After finishing singing and playing the piano, Camilla ran to me and kissed me hotly, then immediately let go.

"You're a habit" I pinched her nose.

"You always give me surprises that I myself can't repay" she buried her head in my chest, I stroked her head and whispered

"I always love you, Camilla" she looked at me and smiled, I then brought her back to the chair for her to sit, then I went back to the piano.

"Richard, time to dance" I played Rush A with great accuracy, Richard was excited and danced happily, Louis also danced with Richard, the three of us laughed together.

Our partners looked at us with marvelous eyes, because we really liked to have fun even though many people saw our silliness.

After we were tired of dancing we gathered together, I told the duo and their partners that we were going to have a child, they were happy about the news, Richard & Louis were happy and offered me a beer, again. Both of them were immediately hit on the head by their respective lovers.

Camilla and I laughed at this.

"What an interesting family" We all looked at the person who spoke.

"Director" Richard & Louis immediately saluted her, I didn't, but I looked at this woman warily. She walked up to me.

"Finally we meet, darling. You know how long I've been holding this feeling. I can't wait to eat you whole, it must be very delicious" She tried to touch me, I immediately brushed her hand away.

"Don't be presumptuous, I'm married and not interested in you" I gripped Camilla's hand tightly, I didn't want to be with this damn woman, I had to stay with Camilla.

"I knew you would talk like that, you are like a noodle, stay straight until you get wet. Have you forgotten the result of our relationship, I want you to take responsibility for it immediately" she touched her stomach, Camilla gripped my hand more firmly this time.

"Don't be rude lady, I have never had a relationship with you, even your name I don't know" I looked at her angrily.

"sorry for my impudence, Director of the police headquarters, Dione Rita. nice to meet you Raylo Nevan" she extended her hand to me, I took my gloves and put them on then accepted her greeting

"ah so cute, so this is it, darling I brought you the result of our love. you don't know what it's like when she cries to see you. I as her caretaker couldn't stand it so I brought her" she pulled the girl from behind herself. we realized who was behind the director, the girl who survived the island, I stood up straight, Louis and Richard went straight to her, but she immediately took cover behind the director.

I squatted down and spread my arms, she then ran to hug me.

"Daddy" she cried in my arms

"I'm not your father, child. I'm just your savior." I hugged her back and stroked her head. The duo and her boyfriend looked at me in disbelief, Camilla looked at her husband in disbelief and disappointment.

"But mom said, it was dad who treated me, it was dad who brought me back here, dad and uncle both saved me from there, thank you" I, Richard, Louis were surprised by this child's opinion.

"My God, that's so touching, Mr. Raylo, as her mother, I'm really touched by this." I glared at the director.

"You are not her mother, and never will be. Camilla is the only one who deserves to be her mother, take note of that" I threatened the director with my hand.

"Don't be mad at Mommy, I'll be a good daughter to Daddy. Stop being mad at Mommy." I looked at the girl and stroked her head.

"If you want to be a good child, the first thing is to listen to dad. Now say it with dad, that aunt over there is the old aunt, while that aunt over there is your mom" I pointed at the director then Camilla.

"Old aunt, mom, am I right dad, am I now a good child" I held back my laughter and also stroked her head.

Richard & Louis held back their laughter, and bowed their heads.

"Great, great, it turns out that you are a sadist, I like it, I like your style even more, I can't wait to eat you" she started to approach me.

I protect this girl and ready to fight her

"calm down, I just give you this, I know you will be able to take care of her, Richard is not an option because he just got married, Louis especially, he is still dating that girl, only the best choice is you, Mr. Raylo, you already have the experience to take care of a child and are married and carrying a child. ah I'm so jealous, I also want to carry your child too. I will drive your wife from your side" she gave me an adoption letter with my signature on it.

"Where did you get this" I showed him the letter.

"I have a connection that I only command, unlike your wife who is still spoiled, and never gives you anything useful other than her belly and sex" that's true but from the tone she spoke, I didn't like it. no one can make fun of my wife but me.

"It's true that your connection is bigger than your ego and vagina, I'm sure your family sitting up there must not care about you, because you're just a child who needs the attention of their parents" I replied to his mockery of Camilla, the duo laughed violently and Camilla giggled at my opinion. the director glared at the duo, and smiled at me.

"Interesting, really interesting, I'm getting more and more obsessed with you, I'm getting more and more fond of you, I'm getting more and more lustful of your teasing, let's role play on the bed, it'll be fun" she looked at me with a seductive look and licked her lips.

"Too bad from your age you look full of experience, but it looks like your energy is no bigger than AA batteries" I looked at her with a challenge.

"Let's prove it" she returned my gaze without blinking.

"Beg for me" I was glaring at her now.

We glared at each other, the aura around us became strong, our fight was like she was a jungle tiger while I was a buff up Bambi.

"Dad stop fighting with old auntie, mom looks sad" I looked at this girl and saw Camilla, oh no she was crying. I went over to Camilla and wiped her tears then stroked her head.

"I have done my duty, allow me to retreat, dear Mr. Raylo, remember this, I will still chase you even if I have to kill everyone by your side remember that" she gave me a flying kiss and of course I avoided her. she walked by swaying her hips erotically.

"Why are you walking like that? The dildo in your ass is uncomfortable or your vibrator is set too low" I yelled at her, she turned to me and glared, I gave her a mocking look.

After she walked away, we all laughed violently, the duo was proud of me, we laughed together.

"Daddy, what's a dildo? What's a vibrator?" this girl gave me a heart attack, and petted her.

"Someday you'll know, you can't use those words unless I let you. Understood?" I looked at her and she nodded then I pinched her cheek.

"What's your name, child?" I asked her, even though I already knew her name at least people here knew her name.

"Asha" she answered shyly, so cute.

"Asha, nice name, daddy will add it for you" I stroked her head.

"From now onward your name will be Asha Oriella. which means Golden Hope" I lifted her high and turned her around, she laughed happily and kept calling me daddy, daddy. I miss that voice, if Rithya was still alive, I might be even happier.

I then took Camilla and held her in one hand and Asha in the other. we spun around enjoying this happiness.

The seven of us were happy about this. But Louis was getting more and more depressed because his girlfriend was now asking to get married and have a child soon.

Richard and I certainly had a good laugh about it.