Fate is either my friend or my enemy

I had fun with Rithya until we were satisfied.

I do not care about the time. we just have fun in my apartment.

eating, bathing, playing hide and seek, sleeping, storytelling, tale-telling, playing castles, so much that I myself have no sense of fatigue. the sound of Rithya's laughter makes my energy fully charged again. until we sleep on the floor together

" Daddy, Rithya happy, Rithya happy with daddy, Rithya Want daddy here " She then slept on my body

"Of course Rithya, Daddy will accompany you until you get bored" I hugged her gently

I will never lose you again. I will embrace you now, nothing can separate us now.

"Rithya will never get bored with daddy, because Rithya knows. daddy will definitely be by rithya's side forever" Rithya buried her head in my chest.

"Of course dear, of course, Now what Rithya wish now" I stroked her head and kissed her hair again.

"I want daddy to listen to me and close your eyes" I immediately closed my eyes and heard her request.

"Rithya Love daddy, Rithya love daddy, Rithya Love mother camilla, Rithya Love sister Asha, Rithya happy to be a daddy's family, Rithya will always wait for daddy here, no matter how long, Rithya will wait here. Rithya will keep waiting until daddy comes home, and play again with Rithya. I love daddy" Rithya hugged me tightly, I hugged her back but did not open my eyes because this was Rithya's hope.

"Now open your eyes" I opened my eyes.

What do I see?

[Your wish has been granted, you will meet Rithya there]

I'm alive? Again?

Fate, you bastard, piece of shit, asshole, dick sucker.

Fuck you Fate, you're either my friend or my enemy. You asshole.

You only have one job, which is I was with Rithya forever now you return me to this hell.





I threw all the curses to fate

then I got up, saw this was the corpse room

Hey system, grant my wish for my body to heal and become stronger.

[Your wish has been granted, all wounds on your body are healed]

[Your wish has been granted, your strength has been doubled]

Thank you system

Fate you owe me

If you don't pay me back.

I will repay you

If you are a woman, I will rape every hole on your body, when all the holes on your body have been filled with my sperm, I will make new ones and rape each new hole again.

If you're a man, I'll pull out your dick and make it hard, then I'll bend it up your ass and push it up your anus. then I'll give you the middle finger. then yell out

" Go fuck yourself"

Shit, shit, shit.

Rithya wait for daddy, I'll be back there again.

I got up to see my body naked, again.

system I hope you give me decent clothes for this.

[Your wish has been granted, decent clothes for labor have been worn]

What? You said labor? Camilla is in labor?

System, quickly teleport myself to Camilla's side now. I wish for you.

[Your wish has been granted, your position is being transported to Camilla's labor room]

Light illuminates my eyes, I reflexively blink.

I saw my baby being born and I held it in my arms.

"Thank you for giving birth to my child, Fay". I held my newborn child, it was a girl, why is my child always a girl? Never mind. I looked at Camilla who was helpless on the bed.

System, I wish for you to heal Camilla.

[Your wish has been granted, Camilla will be recovered in 2 minutes]

I smiled, and stroked Camilla's head.

The doctor here was surprised at my sudden appearance.

"Starting today, I name you, Arieanna Nasya. Which means the perfection of God's miracle." I lifted the baby up like a baby Simba.

My wife looked at me funny, even the health workers chuckled.

"Please do the next procedure, let me be with my wife for a while" I gave my baby to the health worker and they left me with Camilla.

"You're back? You're not leaving are you?" Camilla gripped my hand tightly, I stroked her hand.

"It's not like I promised you, I'll always come back" Camilla smiled at me, and started to close her eyes to rest, then I kissed her lips for a moment.

System granted my wish to make Camilla strong.

[Your wish has been granted, Camilla's strength has been doubled]

I'm relieved, she's finally stronger to face all the problems.

I hope this won't be a problem. I hope.

I went out of the room.

to see the duo and the director

Then the duo's lovers

Richard and Louis came up to me and beat me up.

"Fuck you Raylo, you're alive again, damn it I thought you were dead, you don't know how pissed off I'll be when you're dead. Fuck you" Richard hit me continuously.

"Raylo, you gave me happiness then sadness then happiness again. Here, take my gift, you runt" Louis joined in beating me.

"Darling, you don't know how broken my world is without you, I'm going to kill everyone involved in your murder and your wife and your child then myself next" She walked towards me and kicked me.

I got beat up by 3 people.

Silvie blindfolds Asha and Izabella covers Asha's ears.

The sound of me being beaten was heard throughout the hospital corridors, after they finished beating me, I raised my hand giving them my thumb then middle finger to them.

I felt pain, sure, but it wasn't as painful as it used to be, maybe I could hold Camilla back in the future if we did execute what I meant by hitting each other, I meant giving affection.

I straightened my clothes and approached Asha.

" Daddy, you're awake, thank God, you woke Daddy, Asha was afraid Daddy wouldn't wake up, Mommy was sad to see Daddy" Asha hugged me and cried in my arms.

I stroked her head and kissed her hair

" Daddy is awake, now Asha will be a good girl, because Asha will be a big sister in the future" I then held her. and approached Silvie and Izabella.

"You two, thank you for protecting my daughter and taking care of her this time. next time control your husbands, okay" I gave a thumbs up to them, of course I was given a fist by the duo. luckily I avoided it, then I walked to the director

"Oh sadistic masochistic snake woman, I want compensation for my injury, I hope you can give it" I gave her a small touch on her cheek. her face immediately turned red and looked down

"Of course I will give it if you ask, even my body will be given" she replied to me in a very small voice, fortunately only I heard it.

I put Asha down and put my face close to the director's ear.

"Later give me the thing I want as compensation, for your body? Beg for me" I gave her a small puff on the ear.

She fell down and trembled violently.

I picked Asha back up and stroked her soft cheeks. I then chatted with my extended family, and the director of course, even though she was just staggering around.

After the incident, we went home and Camilla was allowed to go home because the doctor wondered why Camilla had fully recovered as if she had never given birth. It was all a miracle of the system, doctor. The four of us went home and I called Mr. Edbert, he was very happy to hear about it and tried to come tomorrow to see his granddaughter.

At nightfall, the three of us slept on the bed and I put Nasya in her baby basket.

Camilla called me in the middle of the night to follow her, then she led me to the flowerbeds.

"Raylo, you see the stars up there" She pointed to the stars in the sky.

"Right, why, do you want to take it?" I teased her a little.

"Sure, if I wanted all the stars in the sky, but it's not worth it." She walked up to me and put her finger on my chest.

"With this star I'm pointing to, this is the brightest star, the star that gives warmth, the star that gives hope, the star I already have" She then hugged me.

"The priceless star, it's you Raylo, you're my star. The only star I have, I love you Raylo" She looked at me and closed her eyes

ah so sweet your poem I'm so embarrassed

I kissed her and we kissed in the garden under the beautiful night stars.

I wish this moment could have been recorded.

[Your wish has been granted, your memories with Camilla will be recorded on your desk]

What? On my desk? We'll see.

After kissing her I looked at her face

"Come in, I'm cold" I'm shivering here, she laughed and invited me in but not to our room but another room. I'm confused, she locked the door.

Oh no, no, no, no, no.

She cracks her knuckles

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

"It's time to do what I like" she approached me.

"Mmmmmm...Mommy" I retreated to the bed and of course I was executed by her.

How many times was I executed? Seven times maybe, I don't know. I forgot to write it down. If you remember please let me know.

"It hurts so much" I screamed in pain and she laughed happily like a witch.

My days are back like this, I miss Rithya now.

A goofy life