I'm not satisfied to repay you

After I was satisfied executing her, now she was tired, unable to walk.

I then spoiled my children, I also asked my wife's company to take the day off as she was sick.

After finishing pampering my children and taking them to school, I returned home and ordered all the servants to take up to 3 days off. They were confused by my order, but I gave them extra money for them

"Use this money for your vacation today, if your boss asks where you are today, just say I told you to" they nodded and went home.

I then cleaned the whole house by myself quickly, since the system's blessings hadn't run out yet.

After finishing cleaning the house, I brought a bucket of hot water to my room.

I cleaned my room, and bathed Camilla who was asleep. when I was done, I brought food for Camilla, and fed her. when I was done feeding her, I tidied up all her things and leftovers.

I returned to the room and locked it, I approached my wife who was still fast asleep. I then gently slapped her breasts. oh how beautiful her breasts swayed.

I then handcuffed her legs to the bed and prepared all the necessary tools.

I just need to wait for her to wake up.

After a long wait, she finally woke up

"Raylo, why did you tie me up" She struggled on the bed, I just smiled and started drinking my tea.

"I'm repaying your actions of a year ago, so enjoy oh my sweet Camilla" I started to pick up the object that made her wonder.

"Chicken feathers?" She was confused, I then tickled the soles of her feet with chicken feathers, she giggled at that.

"Is that all?" I picked up another quill, and tickled her again.

She just giggled and looked at me triumphantly.

"It's useless, I'm not ticklish at all" Oh relax my wife, I'll give you something else.

System please fulfill my wish, make Camilla's body sensitive with the tickling of my hands.

[Your wish has been granted, Camilla's body will feel ticklish with your hand]

Good, it's time for action.

I put down the quill, and looked at Camilla.

"What" I started tickling the soles of Camilla's feet, of course. She laughed out loud and begged me to stop.

"Stop it, stop it, I feel so ticklish, stop it" She laughed and wriggled around on the bed, I just laughed evilly at her.

After being satisfied with her legs, I stopped my tickling.

She took a breath and looked at me pleadingly.

"Stop raylo, Enough, I give up, stop your tickling" she panted, I just smiled, then I stroked her calves to her thighs, then I tickled her thighs quickly.

She laughed again and begged me to stop.

"Stop raylo, I'm going to pee, stop, please" I didn't care about her request and continued tickling her, finally she peed on the mattress.

" Well, well, well, it looks like daddy's big girl is peeing on the bed, how shameful. You're not a little girl, why are you still peeing on the bed" I took a cloth to clean up her pee and sweat. then looked at Camilla's face which was red with shame.

"You bastard Raylo, I'll pay you back, just wait" she threatened me, so sweet. continue the second round

"Now daddy's daughter dares to threaten daddy for her mistake, tsk, tsk, tsk, accept your punishment" I was now tickling her hips left and right vertically. she laughed harder and shouted begging me to stop.

" Tsk, tsk, tsk, daddy's daughter is too noisy, be quiet" I took a cloth and immediately covered her mouth, after which I tickled her armpits. she wriggled again and looked at me with tears in her eyes. I was satisfied to see her expression. I tickled her until she peed for the second time, I took a picture of her current state for a memento.

She saw me taking pictures of her and started struggling violently to get out of my handcuffs. before she could wriggle violently, I tickled her neck and armpits, she laughed even though she was being silenced. shifting her head left and right, to release my tickle, it was useless.

I continued until I heard the sound of my daughter coming home.

"Looks like we'll continue this after your daughter is done with me" I gave her a wink and walked out of the room, my wife looked at me angrily and yelled at me though I only heard a growl from her mouth.

after spoiling all my love to my daughter, i told them to go to bed. they obeyed and i went to prepare food for my wife. i went into the room with her food and saw her, she seemed to be asleep. i cleaned the whole place and started feeding her. she refused my food, i shoved my food in her mouth, she spit it out and spat on me. what a savage woman.

"You are so disgusting, I think I should punish you" I cleaned up her vomit and spit then I ate her food then kissed her, I vomited in her mouth, she just looked at me in disbelief. I took off my kiss, I put the food back in my mouth and repeated all that.

"That's enough, that's enough I'll eat it" I smiled, I swallowed the food and cleaned the leftovers in my mouth and hers. I gave her the food again gently. after giving it to her I put the tableware beside the door.

"Where were we, right. let's continue from last afternoon" I tickled her again until midnight.

How did she scream when I tickled her? Don't worry, I just had to cover her mouth with a cloth.

At that night I boiled hot water, and bathed Camilla. she just complied with my treatment, after bathing her like a baby, I then changed the sheets pillows and others. then I put her in a blanket, then slept under the blanket with me hugging her. she didn't mind even though she trembled a little with the touch of my hand. hahaha feel it.

The next day I woke up, of course I cooked food for my daughter and Camilla, and took them to school. I went back to the room to feed and bathe Camilla.

I didn't remove the cuffs yet, because I threatened her.

"If you forcibly remove your handcuffs, I will tickle you in front of your children." She was trembling, and I laughed happily at her.

I called her office to tell her that Camilla was recovering so I asked for two days off.

And cruelly of course I called them right next to her. She just muffled behind the cloth in her mouth.

I would continue my torment for the next two days, until my daughter asked me.

"Dad, where's mom" Nasya asked about her mother's condition, what a mother-loving child.

"Your mother is sick at the moment, the disease is contagious, so I'm afraid you're infected. don't worry your father is taking care of your mother with love and affection" I spoke a little loudly because I was on the phone with someone I was holding now. right, Camilla. she will definitely be angry to hear this.

I went into my room after telling my daughters to play without me, I also told them not to come near my room. You will get infected. Mom and Dad will be sad if you get sick. Of course they nodded obediently.

I looked at my wife's condition.

How was her temper?

Of course, angry.

How is she?

Of course, bound and struggling like a worm.

How did she look at me?

Of course, with so much affection that she wanted to tear me apart.

How do I deal with it?

Easy, just move my hand like a tickler and she'll tremble. I'm very satisfied to see her expression.

What will I do to her now?

She often sits on my stomach, now I sit on her stomach. Then I tickle her in the armpit. She struggles and shakes her head many times until I am satisfied.

I opened her mouth cover

"Bastard, Watch yourself, I will repay you Raylo" she shouted my name, then I immediately closed her mouth again.

"Don't yell, your child is worried about you" I giggled answering her, she just glared at me.

"This time I repay all your tortures endlessly, enjoy my darling, oh my love, oh Camilla, the weak huntress" I laughed and tortured her again for 2 days. total I tortured Camilla? 3 days.

What is her condition after this?

I will tell you later.