
Surprisingly not surprising, Lana's knowledge of Potterverse came from yester. She knew a lot of info about the plots and all miscellaneous things inside the universe.

It was odd that Potterverse was supposed to be fiction books in yester's memories. Alas, Lana did not mind. Ever the pragmatic, she decided to just move forward and exploit everything she could, especially materially. She would achieve her goals using yester's knowledge.

After the accidental founding of her metamorphmagus (read: morphing) ability, she tried to change everything to check for any limitations: height, weight, width, shapes, colors, texture, race, and even gender.

At first, she could only change the shapes of partial parts of her body like her face, hands, leg, arm, etc. After a few weeks of constant practicing, she literally could change her identity with enough imagination. She could even change her fingerprint patterns and ear shapes.

It felt very uncomfortable at first, like being constricted with a very tight rubber rope all over her body. So, she could only maintain the change for a few seconds at most.

But after practicing for several months, she could do it with such ease that it felt natural for her to do so. And for a far lasting period. The longest was 1 hour for now. She also noticed that the tallest she could do for now was about 165 cm before it became painful.

She found that the most fundamental things were intent and imagination. Being focused and attentive were also important. She also needed to feel and imagine the transformation she wanted. Thus, she frequented the living room of the orphanage to see many kinds of people in the magazines. On some other times, she would people-watch from the second-floor window facing the street outside.

There was a high chance that Lana was magical if she could morph and IF she really was in the Harry Potter universe. Therefore, after practicing to morph for months, Lana was ready to confirm.

She needed to go to the Leaky Cauldron on Charing Cross on the other side of London. See if there was such a pub there. If there was, then it's settled. Her goal would be much easier with all the mind arts spells like imperious, confoundus, legilimency, etc.

She had no moral restrictions to use such means so long as she benefited. Also, it'd be wonderful if she could teleport or apparate. If Harry Potter could teleport at a young age due to accidental magic, then surely, so could she.


Fortunately for her, Ms. Sally sometimes went to the area near the Charring Cross Street to get supplies for the orphanage. She also had one or two kids with her to get them used to travel. This week was Lana's turn with Emma. They would go on the weekend.

Lana passed the days before the weekend with school, homework, people watching, practicing morphing, and trying to somewhat learn about teleporting. Soon, the day came.

She woke up early that day excited. She showered and got ready before 7 AM and had breakfast with the other children at 08.00 AM. Then after breakfast, she helped the matrons clean up before waiting with Emma in the living room for Ms. Sally.

At 9 AM sharp (yes, Ms. Sally was punctual like that), they went out of the orphanage and waited at a nearby bus station. The wait was not long, and they soon seated inside the bus to go to Chargin Road (A/N: absolutely made up, lol), in which the bus would pass through the Charing Cross Road.

Twenty minutes passed, and the bus was nearing the Charing Cross Road. Finally, the bus entered the infamous road. To her absolute luck, there was a bus station on the Charing Cross Road (author: made up), so the bus stopped briefly there to wait for passengers.

At this moment, Lana used it to see along both sides of the roads for the seemingly old-looking pub. She looked suspicious, to be honest. She has been looking around for quite some time. But luckily, the matrons did not notice.

Thankfully, less than one minute later, she finally found the dingy-looking pub on the right side of the road, about 50 meters in front of the bus.

The pub was located between a bookstore and a vinyl store, which was closed. To Lana's absolute delight, she saw one gentleman who wore a black robe entering the pub. The robe looked ancient, and it was summer. So naturally, the robe was out of place.

Lana was absolutely crackling inside. Finally, she got the confirmation she was looking for. This was the Harry Potter world, and she was a part of it.

How exciting!