Time Skip - 3 Years

Between reading the books, exploring the Diagon Alley, and meeting with my two financial managers, these 3 years went uneventful. I'm now 11 years old.

In the first month of my holiday (when I was 9 years old), I finally got to ward the flat and the house. The house was also under fidelius charm with me as the secret keeper. The caster for the fidelius charm was actually a German Charm Master by the name of Luther Schultz. BloodFangs contracted him for me. While the warding for the 2 places was done by a French Warding Master by the name of Antoine Viton. Both of them were excellent in their job. My two properties now stand side by side as the most secured places in Britain other than Hogwarts and Gringotts (I think, maybe with the Black manor).

I also renovated some parts of the house in Hogsmead. But I don't go there much as I like the flat better because it's located in the Diagon Alley. The house will be my first place during the Hogwarts years, though. It'll be easier to go to and from Hogwarts. As I only wish to use the Hogwarts train in my first year. I could go directly from my house to Hogwarts with the others when they arrive at the train station, and my elves could transfer my trunk inside later.

Other than that, I decided to name my Flat 'The Overhead' because it's on the 2nd floor. While my house is named 'The Abode'. Both names are valid Floo-Network addresses, but it needs to be activated by me beforehand. I'm the only one who can travel freely through the Floo-Network in these two places and whoever else with my permission.

I and my elves can apparate and disapparate from the two places, but not other beings, including animagus. Anyone who force-entry into these two places was bound to be cursed by a blood-flaying and lethal-cutting curse (akin to sectumsempra). Let's just say, I'm one paranoid individual.

With the help of Jelly, I also set up a mailbox in the post office for me. Any muggle mails that wanted to reach me would be addressed there. Every day, Jelly would pick up the letters for me. CSB could give any bank statements there now, so I don't need to go to CSB every time.

A year ago, I bought a male great grey owl from the Eeylops Owl Emporium for delivering mails. I named him Yeager. He stayed with me in the flat most of the time, but we let him go hunting if he wished to.

Due to the excessive amount of money that I have, I freely use it to spend on some expensive potions.

These potions were sold in the apothecary by request. I find the name and the recipe for some potions in an advanced potion book, such as growth potion, beautifying potion, body purification potion, and body strengthening potion.

The growth potion helps to grow one vertically, while the body strengthening potion works in developing lean muscle. They go hand in hand. With some dose adjustments, it could be used by children <12 years old every month for 2 years. The effects will be most visible during puberty. I've been taking these 2 potions every month for 2 years now. In fact, my last dose was last month. They cost 10G for each dose. In total, I spent about 480 G on these 2 potions in 2 years.

The beautifying potion and body purification potion were one-time drink potions. The beautifying potion boosted the visual of the drinker permanently. I had drunk it on my 11th birthday together with the body purification potion.

The body purification potion eliminated bad cores/blocks/restrictions from the mind and body. An hour after I drank this potion, I had black goo coming out of all over my body through the pores. It was not painful, but uncomfortable. After all the black goo stop coming out, I felt very light. My mind is clearer than ever and I could feel something fluid circulating all over my body. I suspected that it was my magic flowing.

Both potions didn't necessarily change my physical body significantly, but they made my body look glowing. The cost for both potions was 500 G: 150 G for the beautifying potion, and 350 G for the body purification potion.

Other than expensive potions, I also bought some language lozenges which cost 100 G for each language pack. The lozenges were permanent language learning cheats. So far, I've bought and mastered 10 languages: German, French, Japanese, Chinese, Latin, Gaelic, Celtic, Russian, Old English, and Egyptian. They were dead useful I tell you.

Also, for your information since I was born on December 3, 1979, my eleventh birthday was after the school year started. So, I will receive my letter and attend Hogwarts in 1991 instead of 1990 with Harry Potter and co.

In the meantime, I continue my muggle studies and my magical book reading. I graduated my secondary school in two years at 11 years old. Now, I'm doing my high school year. Since I did not expect that I would be moved to the 1991 class instead of the 1990 class of Hogwarts, so I just started my high school year early. No need to waste time after all. I should finish high school at the end of my Hogwarts first year.

In these years, I've finished reading all the initial books I purchased. Some books were too complicated for me to understand now, especially the advanced books, so maybe later in Hogwarts with proper teaching I could understand better.

I also read some rare books that BloodFangs was able to get me. These books mainly cover some advanced healing books, some books about soul magic (surprisingly), 2 books about occlumency, and 5 books about legilimency. I know all the theories about legilimency and occlumency now, but I haven't been doing much in terms of practical things. This also applies to other books I've read so far.

I decided to focus on theory for now, and practice some spells after I get my wand. There should be enough time to practice before Hogwarts as I would get it at least 6 months before Hogwarts start.

The books on soul magic were very interesting. Some theories intrigue me as they could be used as a foundation to heal certain ailments that couldn't be currently cured. I promise myself that I will learn in detail later at Hogwarts. There might be more books about soul magic in Hogwarts to find, especially in the Room of Requirement.

My investments in both worlds were very fruitful. In the muggle world, my revenues were a whopping 300%. So, it added around 300 million pounds to my personal account. I was so confused at first. How in the hell could there be so much money like that?

My CSB manager said that I gave some very strategic investments. So, the returns were enormous. Well, I'm still confused. How am I supposed to spend them? I could only buy so much.

And then I decided to just give 2 million pounds to my manager (his name's Steve Bennet) as a bonus, and transfer 20 million pounds to various charity cases and orphanages all over England anonymously. I also withdraw 50 million pounds to be converted to galleons.

At this point, my total wealth in CSB is around 500ish million pounds. (*Can't count anymore, too much money) *sigh*

In the magical world, BloodFangs told me that my revenues from both of the flying broom companies were 1 million galleons in these 3 years. So, I decided to just donate all revenues to some magical orphanages or something like that. BloodFangs at first looked at me as if I was crazy to just give away money willy-nilly. But I'm so done with money, it's been too much lately. Also, after converting 50 million pounds into galleons, my vault was 10 million galleons fuller. So, in total, I should have around 55ish million galleons.

*sigh* Too much money is not good for my health. At a young age, I should be playing, not scheming and playing for money. Alas, with great power comes great money. So, I persevered. Hehehe.

I asked BloodFangs to buy 55 Nimbus-2000 brooms (which just came out in the market) for 500G each (more expensive than from Yester's knowledge) and donated them to Hogwarts anonymously. I'll be attending Hogwarts next year and I don't want any faulty brooms to use during flying lessons. It cost me 27,500 G.

I also asked him to donate 2.5 million galleons to Hogwarts to help buy new books, repair some parts of the castle, buy new school equipment, orphan students fund, scholarship opportunities for good students, etc. Another 2.5 million gallons would go to St. Mungo's Hospital to help them build new places to care for patients, hire new healers, etc.

Again, BloodFangs looked at me as if I was crazy, but what was money used for if not used? After that, I just gave him 100,000G as a bonus.

I also bought (read: borrow) a goblin-made silver dagger for 1500 G and a small vial of basilisk venom for 4000 G. I then pour the venom into the dagger. Expectantly, the dagger absorbed the venom completely. After that, I saved it inside my secret compartment inside the trunk. Nobody would be able to detect it.


A few days later, my donations actually appeared in the Daily Prophet's headline:


Monday, December 14, 1990


Sources from Hogwarts and St. Mungo's Hospital confirmed that donations have been made anonymously to both organizations. Hogwarts received 55 new Nimbus-2000 brooms and a whopping 2.5 million galleons as of Sunday, 13th December 1990. My source in Hogwarts said the brooms were specially made by the Nimbus Company to bypass other queues of orders.

The note from the anonymous donator stated that the brooms should be used to replace the old brooms to practice flying and for Quidditch if approved by the headmaster. The donator also wished that the money would help to buy new books for the Hogwarts' library, build and maintain parts of the castle that needed repairing, buy new school equipment, scholarship opportunities for students, and also support orphan students to study freely. Yes, kind readers, all orphan students will be able to study at Hogwarts freely without needing to apply for student loans anymore!

The donator also stated that should the money be used properly for the well-being of students this year, an annual 2.5 million galleons donation will be transferred automatically every school year to Hogwarts. A very impressive feat I'd say, dear readers!

Hogwarts' headmaster Albus Percival Brian Dumbledore said in a comment that he was very thankful for the donations and he would personally ensure the money will be spent for the welfare of students of Hogwarts.

On the other side, my source from St. Mungo's informed me that the donation was well received by the Head Hospital of St. Mungo's, Mr. Pieter Roberts. He vowed that the money will be used wisely to help all in the Wizarding World of Britain. The donator also promised to give an annual donation to St. Mungo's every year, though the amount was undecided.

There you go, readers! I wish well for both Hogwarts and St. Mungo's and for the betterment of the British Wizarding World!

Daily Prophet Correspondent,

Mafalda Grubik
