
The weeks passed by and Christmas holiday was here.

I decided to stay at Hogwarts during the holiday as I have nothing to do, and I could use the time to loot the ROR.

The books have been thoroughly ransacked, and now we are at the stage of copying all the Hogwarts books that could not be moved from the ROR. I expect it to finish at the end of the school term.

Before the christmas holiday, I decided to install the vanishing cabinet inside of my dorm room. I ward it with heavy spells so to not be seen by anyone other than me. The other cabinet is still securely located inside my flat in the Diagon Alley.

After that, I go to the ROR by cloaking myself under the invisibility cloak I previously obtained from the ROR. Now, I want to see if I can ask the Room to provide me with all of the lost galleons over the years.

Walking back and forth 3 times in front of the wall, I'm thinking of all the galleons lost in Hogwarts. Surprisingly, it works!

Entering the door, I could see a big mountain of galleons inside the room. With a quick 'count' charm, I see that all of them account for about 30 million galleons. These gold must be old. I wonder how much they would value at today's standard. Wasting no time, I put everything inside my last mokeskin bag. It took me close to an hour.

After that, I go out of the room and and start to think about all the sickles and knuts lost at Hogwarts. I was curious. Since I only thought about galleons, the room provide me with galleons. What if I think about all the sickles and knuts lost at Hogwarts? Would the room provide me with them too? After all, there might be sickles and knuts lost as well, right?

After a few moments, a door appears again. When I enter the room, there are indeed sickles and knuts inside. The students brought some of them too, I see. A quick 'count' charm shows me that there are about 100.000 sickles and 30.000 knuts. Not as many as the galleons though. Apparantly the students prefer galleons to bring than sickles and knuts. It doesn't matter to me. Money is money.

After I collect them all, I go back to my room. Tomorrow, the 20th of December, will be the start of the christmas holiday.

I plan to spend my days by reading the books in the library, exploring the castle, and reading the restricted books in the ROR. Contrary to what people believe, villains also need holiday. So, I stop any kind of looting before Christmas, and will proceed everything again the day after.

I also play some wizarding chess with Harry and Ron sometimes, to which I lost horribly every time, much to their amazement. I have no talent at this. *sigh*

I've already prepared gifts for all of my friends, including Harry and Ron (surprisingly, they're decent people). I want all the gifts to be low-key things they use everyday, yet in the best quality. I wrap them all in the glittery white wraping paper. I also write a personal letter wishing them the best holiday. Yeager helps me sending all of them on the 24th.

Other than that, I plan to go to Gringotts, at the 24th as well.


The day when everyone would leave the castle for the holiday, the castle looks very empty. It was a snowy day.

At lunch, I see that Harry and Ron also stay here. A quick greeting and a wave of a hand later, I go to my own table to eat in peace.

Hermione has not come back from St. Mungos' and I don't know if she would ever come back. By the way, the staffs told the students that she got into accident and not due to a troll attack, which was a lie. I believe the staffs want to keep it a secret. I pity Hermione's parents. They wouldn't know the truth.

After eating my lunch, I go back to my room, ward it, wear my warmer clothes, and go to my flat through the vanishing cabinet. Then I proceed to go to Gringotts. Some 20 minutes later, I'm at BloodFangs' office showing him the galleons I found at the ROR.

He said that the galleons are old and it cost more than the current galleons. After some time of appraisal from the goblin metal experts, they decided that one old galleon is worth 4 current galleons. So, I'm now 120 million galleons richer, just from the galleons alone.

Also, the old sickles are worth 5x the current one, so I'm 500.000 sickles (29.412 galleons) richer. The knuts, however, still worth the same. I have 30.000 knuts, which is 61 galleons.

After I deposit all of the galleons, I'm now the richest person in the British Wizarding World with a wealth amounting to 611 million galleons.

Next is when I put few of my plans in place.

You see, I wanted to raise my family's name in the wizarding world. I wanted them to think of us as a neutral and generous (with reason) family who takes special attention on education and health.

The people will see us as something benovelent, and they would have a soft spot for us. So, even though we are filthy rich, people will generally not see us as some arrogant snobs who hoard all the money in the world just because we could. People will not judge us too harshly.

There are other benefits as well, like people will be more fond of us than any other pureblood-snob families. Even when we're not the sacred 28.

It's a perfect PR boost.

Therefore, I use the money from the ROR to support my plan. I would lose nothing though as I would be getting all of them back and more in no time through my other investment. The ROR money is not entirely mine anyway. I only found and allocated them. *hehehe*

First, I ask BloodFangs to pay off all of the student loans (with interest) belonging to anyone who go to Hogwarts since the start of the student loan schemes until now (about 50 years). I want it to be under the radar, but tracable enough for anyone looking to find some clues. I want them to trace all of them back to the Vautoure family.

BloodFangs, already know my antics, proceeded without any comments. After some calculations, all student loans plus the interest should be all cleared with a transfer of 11.5 million galleons.

In 5 minutes, all of the debts are cleared by me. It's honestly good for the macro economy if you study the field. The money should be circulating more as people will be confident to spend money after clearing their debts.

Next, I ask BloodFangs to donate 10 million galleons to St. Mungos'. I want them to build a seperate hospital for expecting mothers, babies, and children. The current hospital is one place for all ages. Sometimes I heard that the place is too crowded and hectic.

I believe it'd be much roomier and healthier if they seperate the building. I'm also quite satisfied with St. Mungos' improvement after my earlier donation. So, I believe they deserve it.

I ask BloodFangs to make it under the radar too, but easily trackable. I want all the PR benefits to my family name.

By the way, I specifically pick this day to execute my plans. Tomorrow is Christmas/Yule, so I want it to be the Christmas/Yule gift. It would be more sentimental. Hence people will remember and retain the momories longer.

Psychologically, people tend to remember things better when emotional aspect is involved. They would also associate certain emotion with certain memories. So, I want them to memorize this happy occation on Christmas/Yule with my family name. *evil laugh ensues*

Some people would feel inderectly indebted to my family too, in which I would take full advantage of.

After all of them are completed, I decided to go back to Hogwarts. BloodFangs gave me some bank statements to go thorugh. They contain all of my investment and vault value after my latest transactions, to which I would look into it later.

Gelly also give me my banks statements from Steve (CSB) while I was still at my flat. I would look into them later as well, together with the ones' from Gringotts.

Now, I will rest for the remaining day. I always feel drain after dealing with money.
