Harry Potter (1)

(Harry's POV)

A/N: Harry was described in the book as being intelligent. Even though not at Hermione's standard, he was not stupid. So I don't believe that Harry did not question his living arrangements and financial situation when the event came up. Especially when he visited his vault for the first time. Maybe, at some point, he got caught up in marveling at his riches, but after that, he should realize something was amiss for sure.

The book and movie depicted this scene as him being in wonder about everything. But I can't help to feel suspicious. Even young, with his level of intelligence, he could at least think that some things just don't add up.

With all the money, he should not live in misery. With his fame, he could live with any kind of protection available, away from the Dursleys. And ultimately, with his status as the boy who lives, he should not be just observed by a squib. Of course, he did not know that yet, but still.

Was he confounded? Was there something on the cake? A potion?

The book never mentions where Hagrid got the cake from. Or did I miss it? I don't know. Was it simply just a cake? There more I think about it, the more suspicious I get, the more paranoid I become. There are so many questions left unanswered.

So, I'd like to take an approach from my POV a little here. You are free to disagree.

*I admit that I don't like Dumbledore. I don't trust him at all. Even if I truly got inserted into Potterverse myself somehow, I would avoid him at all cost. But for the sake of this story, I will try to be fair, hopefully.

*Also, because I don't like Dumbledore, I don't like how Harry just names his son Albus. I also dislike Ginny Weasley. She was just lacking in everything. I would prefer Hermione or Luna Lovegood as Harry's partner. I also don't like that she got away with the second book. Even possessed, she should get punished somehow. It was her doing anyway. If any Slytherins did it, hell would be raised. Bias at every corner.

*I, of course, don't enjoy the subsequent movies (cursed child and fantastic beast sequel). My dislike of Dumbledore runs deep. *sigh*

Sorry, I'm just rambling now.


Being at Hogwarts gives me peace.

I never thought that I would be gone from the Dursley's house. I was treated like a house slave there. I even sleep in a cupboard under the stairs. Aunt Petunia said a freak had to sleep there. I thought it was a normal thing until I came to Hogwarts. Now I know that a normal person sleeps in a room, not a cupboard. And I am one.

Even though I've lived there all my life, I have never seen it as my home. And I never will. But now, after living in Hogwarts for almost a year, I feel that I could finally say I have a home.

My introduction to the magical world was quite complicated.

On one hand, I was excited and impressed by everything. I could finally be with my kind, no longer the only 'freak' as aunt Petunia always liked to call me. It gives me an identity, even though it was wrong to call anyone a freak.

But on the other hand, I never like the fame of being this boy-who-live person. They're wrong. I'm just Harry. Just Harry...

On my 11th birthday, Hagrid came to tell me that I was a wizard. I was shocked. All the freaky things I did in my life now have an answer: magic...

Then he said my parents were magical too. But they died fighting the Dark Lord when I was little, leaving me an orphan with the Dursleys.

Hagrid explained to me some things, but not a lot of things. I was frustrated but could not really do anything about it. We were in a rush. Hagrid was on an errand.

I like Hagrid. He seems like a great guy. But I feel he could be more informative, though he is helpful enough.

Our first trip to the Leaky Cauldron got me mugged by many people. Even when their intentions were harmless, I could appreciate not being touched haphazardly. I never like getting physical. It felt wrong, and I could use some privacy.

Then, Hagrid showed me around the Diagon Alley. The place was simply magical. They were truly mesmerizing. I just gaped at everything.

At first, we went to this Bank which is owned by goblins. At the Bank, I just realized that my parents left me a lot of money. Money that I could have used growing up, not starving, and simply not being a slave. I was amazed, yes. But I was also angry.

Why would Hagrid have my vault key? Why didn't anyone give it to me at all these years if they knew me? Why didn't they let me access them and instead leave me with the despicable Dursley?

But before I could question anything, we had to go and buy many other necessities for school. Hagrid had to go back to Hogwarts soon.

During shopping, I met an interesting child. His name is Malfoy. He was alright, a bit arrogant but still bearable enough. But Hagrid did not like him.

It was funny.

Malfoy said to me that I shouldn't associate myself with the wrong sort, which he meant Hagrid. But Hagrid also said the same thing to me in his own way, referring to Malfoy. Just who is the right one?

They also told of all sorts of Hogwarts houses, as if I've lived being magical all my life. It was frustrating. I'd like to think for myself, please.

At the end of the shopping, Hagrid gave me a ticket for the Hogwarts express. Then, he left me in the Dursley's house again. I was very disappointed. I thought I would be at Hogwarts soon. But no, I had to stay with the Dursley again, which was awkward. Hagrid threatened and left them in the middle of the sea.

Also, he forgot to tell me how to get to the Platform. *sigh*

It's never going to be easy, is it?