Sirius Black (2)

Hello ~~

I'm back, temporarily. Short update here. Please bear with me...


Sirius Black is insane.

Being born a Black, Sirius always knows he has quite a temper. Years of torment have changed him for the worse. First, by his mother's hand, and next by the anguish of grief and betrayal, then lastly by the torturous state of Azkaban and its immortal nightmarish local residents.

There were times when he could not think anymore. His brain got all foggy and hazy. Memories just mixed together randomly. One moment he would be sad and angry and shout at anything. Next, he would laugh maniacally. Anyone near him will surely notice the blaring signs of the infamous Black madness surfacing. Even Sirius himself realizes that he is simply not right in the head.

So when somebody offers him a rat one cold night, he decides almost reflexively that nothing shall be in his way of getting the damn rat. Although he knew he could be more cautious of the offer, being careful is never his way of life. Impulsive and crass, he is more familiar.

The rat was damn ugly. It's all puffy and gritty and looking flabby. Sirius could see what years of living free do to this obnoxious thing. Nothing sort of life here, of course. He feels vindictive. Why would this bloody rat get to live in comfort while he suffers long and arduous torture?

He sneered at his former best friend.

At that moment, he could almost feel repulsed by his choice of friend. The brotherhood he used to proudly flaunt to his blood-supremacist family. His Gryffindor brothers.

*ckck* What a joke now he is.

Alas, he could do nothing about the past. Long gone were his youth and his naivete. Long gone, also, were James and Lily and everything he ever cared about. He is a hollow man. Nothing could fill the void that is his heart.

Pointing his hand that holds the rat's wand, he whispered a bombarda to the nearby wall.

Fuck his life!

Fuck this place!

Fuck those Aurors and dementors!

Fuck everything!