Chapter 20

"Curse!!! How can that scrap lose so easily? I understand that due to the limitations of the current situation he can only exhibit the least of his power without being able to activate his skills. But even so he lost very quickly."

The Herrscher of Corruption was cursing the performance of the armored samurai fight against Kallen. It is on the fifth floor of the isolated space, as this isolated space was created by her so she is able to see and hear what happens near the Ryusuke group.

The reason why the armored samurai ( Jizo Mitama ) that in the game of Honkai Impact is a strong boss with skill with irritating skills that made several players scream with frustration being so weak it's because of Ryusuke.

Because of Ryusuke much of Herrscher's power of Corruption has been lost and she can only summon the armored samurai with minimal force in the current situation. The armored samurai couldn't even use his special skills and because of that he quickly lost to Kallen.


"I need to stay calm. Even though that scrap was defeated very quickly, he still managed to distract them long enough that I could complete my move without them noticing. With that I can buy some time."

Herrscher of Corruption spoke calmly and relieved to see that she managed to complete her preparations.

"You can all be confident for now but later I will free myself from this prison and when that happens, I will be the one laughing around." The Herrscher of Corruption spoke while watching in a certain direction. She felt that there were some cracks in the stigma space that keep her trapped, but she knows that the way she is today is not enough for her to escape.

"Just a little longer ... I just need to wait a little longer to get away." The Herrscher of Corruption spoke when she turned her attention to Ryusuke and his group.


'Something is wrong.' Ryusuke thought while he saw Kallen destroy the last Templar-class Honkai beast in the room.

At the moment he, Yae Sakura and Kallen are on the sixth floor. It had been 50 minutes since Kallen defeated the armored samurai. Since then they went down to the next floors, they passed the Honkai beasts from the other floors without much difficulty and continued to descend without any problems.

But Ryusuke still had a bad feeling about it.

'Even down a few floors the presence of the Herrscher of Corruption has changed its position.' Ryusuke thought of this strange situation.

They have already gone down to the sixth floor and so far the situation has not changed at all. They continued to descend the floors and yet the distance between him and Herrscher from Corruption did not decrease or increase.

'The Herrscher of Corruption has not moved from its position, it is not moving to the lowest, but it makes everything even stranger.'

If the Herrscher of Corruption had moved to the lower floors Ryusuke would have been able to feel Herrscher's Honkai energy trail.  But so far he has felt no trace on the floors they passed, indicating that the Herrscher of Corruption did not pass any of those floors before their arrival.

"Ryusuke, we're done here. Let's go down to the next floor." Kallen spoke after confirming that he eliminated all Honkai beasts from this room.

"OK." Ryusuke nodded and went to Kallen and Yae Sakura. When Ryusuke looked at the two he soon realized a certain possibility.

'Is it possible that the Herrscher of Corruption restarted that?' Ryusuke considered the possibility and saw that many of his doubts were resolved.

But he still needed to confirm whether his theory was correct or not. When Ryusuke went down the stairs with the two women he put his left hand on the wall.

'Now just wait and see if I'm right or not.' Ryusuke thought.


Author's note: hi guys, how are you? I want to apologize to you for the chapter being short.

The reason is that a lot is happening this week.

In Fate / Grand Order the Gudaguda event is taking place. I had to spend more than five hundred thousand friend points to unlock all Oda Nobukatsu's skills.

At Genshin Impact I still have a lot to do in Sumero. And unfortunately I didn't get Ganyu. 😓

And I'm also busy with Honkai impact. But luckily I managed to get Elysia, so I'm in high spirits. 😁

To let you know, the chapters may have been short but I will still continue to post the chapters.

So take the opportunity to leave a comment and tell me what you are thinking of my fanfic as a whole. I want to hear your opinion.

See you.