Chapter 2

After Jason and Brad beat all of the inmates present till they were unconscious Jake started walking towards the exit.

He saw that the guards snapped out of their surprised and actually started to realize their situation.


Jake punched the guard who was coming towards him lightly.

While that punch would normally knock out a normal person, this time the guy's skull was caved in and he flew like 3 meters.

"Oops, I forgot that this makes me a lot stronger."

Jason looked at the guard and said. "Jake, did you get stronger?"

Jake looked back at him and said. "Yeah, you know what that being said about the c-graded skill?

I found out how to claim it and got steel skin, this is why I wanted to knock everyone out.

If they somehow find a way to claim their skills and get something like I did it would cause insanity.

Let's get out of here and then I'll tell you how to do it."

Jason and Brad looked like the had an enlightening and they smiled.

They finally understood what their boss was thinking ahead even in this kind of situation.

Jake turned around and said. "Let's get out of here, the world will go nuts after this event so we have to get back to society."


He punched the door in front of him and looked at all of the surprised personnel.

They were currently in the hallway of the prison.

He ignored them and started running towards his right.

If he remembers right, the place where the parking lot is should be in the direction he was heading in.


He punched the wall and finally saw what he was looking for, the parking lot.

He looked at a person who was zoning out in his car so he opened the door and knocked the guy out.

After he took the guy out of the car he got in together with Brad and Jason.

Jake started the car and started driving away.

"Say pocket and touch the ball that will appear."

After they did as told they zoned out for a moment and then Jason said.

"I see, this is what that being was talking about.

I clicked on the mailbox and saw that my skill has something to do with adrenaline."

"Can you read it out loud?"


Another chance - When you are heavily injured or very tired this skill can be activated.

Skill grade: C

When the skill is activated you become three times stronger for 10 seconds, after the boost ends you won't be able to move for an hour.

Cooldown for 6 hours after use.


Jake started to think about this skill while Brad said. "That's actually very good in dire situations, only downside being that you won't be able to move for one hour after activating the skill."

Jason nodded and said. "Yeah, I guess I will only use it when it really is necessary."

Jake looked at Brad and said. "What about you?"

"Sticky feet - Allows the user to walk on any type of surface for 1 minute.

Skill grade: C

Cooldown for 1 hour after use.


Jake looked at the road and said. "That's good, you can probably walk on water and even sideways.

Even for a minute that skill can prove very useful in all types of situations.

You guys should think of ways to use your powers in your free time and even experiment with it."

Brad put one hand on his chin and said. "I was already thinking of something, won't running on something like a treadmill with this skill activated ignore the moving of treadmill?"

Jake looked at him with a surprised expression and said. "How did you even think of that this quickly, that's actually very smart coming from you."

"Thank you boss!"

He totally ignored the fact that Jake called him dumb and thanked him.

"But your powers are made for the other, Jason is good with his feet while Brad is very resilient."

Jason crossed his arms and said. "True, but these are better than nothing.

Looking at how diverse and random they are there possibly could be skills that aren't related to combat.

Brad's skill for example makes it good for retreating, if we are ever in a bad situation we can make him carry us while he runs away.

Boss, yours for example is combat oriented.

You probably are the strongest human out there right now."

"Yeah, but something's worrying me.

That being didn't explain anything to us, he just gave us these powers for 'survival'.

Meaning that we will have to use these skills to protect ourselves.

I checked the missions earlier, there's nothing there yet.

I think those missions have to do with our skills."

Brad frowned and said. "This whole thing is weird, it's a good thing that we can be calm in such a situation.

I have a feeling that the whole world will change."

Jason nodded while Jake didn't say anything.

He was looking at his pocket while driving towards the city of Tokyo on an empty road.

He clicked on contacts and saw multiple options.

[Add contact]

[Remove contact]

[Create Team]

[Join Team]

[Create guild - 10 magical crystals required]

[Search Guild]

He clicked on the create team and looked at the options.

[2 players nearby:

Jason - Invite

Brad - Invite]

He invited both of them in his party and he saw both of them look at their pockets at the same time.

"I don't know what a team is but you guys should accept."

They did as told and they were all in the same team.

Jake sighed and said. "We'll have to see what the people are doing right now and when we get to a city we should change clothes."


As they were driving everyone was quiet, they were all thinking of ways to use their skills to their maximum potential even though they barely got them.


They heard a sound coming from their pocket so they looked at it.


Jake puled the car to the side and looked at his pocket.

[Information about missions and how they work:

Each 'player' gets to choose their missions and they can even form 'parties' so they can do them together.

'Players' are allowed to kill each other.

When killing another player you can check their inventories and have a chance of one of their skills being passed to you.

Players are allowed to not partake in any mission if they so wish to, but, completing missions will bring you rewards based on your performance.

Completing hidden missions will also grant you additional rewards.

1.Become a great cook - Food wars (D graded difficulty)

2.Kill 100 zombies - Highschool of the dead. (C+ graded difficulty)

3.Kill 10 titans - Attack on Titan (B graded difficulty)

4.Seduce Esdeath - Akame ga Kill (A graded difficulty)

Those who want to get rewards should choose one of these options.]

Jake was looking at these options with a confused face, he didn't understand what the names that came after the quest were.

Jason suddenly said. "Are these anime worlds?"

Jake looked back at him with a confused expression and said. "What do you mean anime worlds?"

"If I had a phone I could show you, but it just so happened that I watched these all of these."

"Alright, which one should we choose?"


Does anyone here know how to cook?"

Bot Jake and Brad both shook their heads signaling no.

"Then the second option would be the best option.

In the Anime those zombies were pretty weak so we should be able to kill 100 for each fairly easily."

Jake looked at the pocket and said. "What about the other two."

"The third one is very hard and almost impossible for us, these titans are humanoid creatures with the smallest of them being 3 meters.

But you can imagine just how strong those are.

And these titans are nothing compared to some of the titans from the show. There is a titan about 60 meters and ones that have skin harder than steel.

Even if we could kill those 10 titans our safety would be in danger."

Jake nodded and said. "We can't do that kind of quest right now. What about the last one?"

"Seducing Esdeath...

For context, Esdeath is a sadistic general of an army. She is a ruthless individual who kills those who are weaker than her just because she can.

Even though she is very beautiful her personality is just trash.

And if I'm not wrong her standards are very high.

I know one of them was to have a pure and innocent smile, but I think that was just additional."

Jake thought about it and said while smiling. "What about my smiling face?"

Jason and Brad looked at each other and shook their heads while sighing.

A vein appeared on Jake's forehead and he yelled. "What's that supposed to mean?!"

Jason smiled nervously and said. "Haha, well...

Don't get me wrong, but you don't look cute at all."

Jake's face went stoic and he said. "Are you calling me ugly?"

"Not at all, it's just that one of her requirements was that you should be younger than her. And while you are younger than her...

You look like you are older than her."

"How old is she?"

"Early twenties, I think."

"Come on stop joking, everyone would know just by looking at me that I'm underage."

Brad and Jason had drops of sweats on their forehead.

Everyone who would see Jake would assume he is in his twenties at best.

While he is a charming and handsome man he couldn't be called cute at this point, even as a child he was a charmer because of his mature look.

Maybe it was because he always had a calm look on his face or even his eyebrows who always looked raised.

Jake sighed and said. "Alright, let's just give up on the fourth. I doubt anyone can even live up to those standards anyway."

Jake clicked on the second option and the three of them were instantly engulfed by a light.

The three of them were suddenly appeared on the sidewalk of a random street.

Jake said with a frown. "Couldn't they give us a warning or something? Straight up with the mission as soon as I choose it."


The three of them looked at their pockets and read.

[The apocalypse starts in an hour, prepare yourselves for what's about to come.]

Jake said absentmindedly. "Do you think zombies can bite through steel?

Since I have steel skin, those zombies should be nothing to me."

Brad pointed towards his own mouth and said. "Should I try?"

"I was joking, remember when I tried to stab myself? The only way I can see those zombies ripping through my steel skin is if they are capable of using 100% of their innate strength."

Jason crossed his arms and said. "You think they don't have their limiter?"

Jake shook his head and said. "Knowing zombies they shouldn't be stopped by the brain's limit since it isn't active.

That's probably one of the reasons why their bodies decay and break down fast."

"I think I get what you want to say, that we shouldn't underestimate a zombie if we meet one."

"Exactly, you never know what kind of zombies they are in the first place."

Jason looked at Jake and said. "Actually, I told you I watched the anime.

They are usually very weak but they have a strong bite force like you deduced. They only react to sound too, meaning they don't see at all.

In the anime the main casts are a bunch of high schoolers who could smash the heads of these zombies open with a swing of their weapons."

Jake's face got even more serious and he said. "Are they strong?"

Jason smirked and said. "Compared to you boss, they are trash.

You could easily beat them even without your passive steel skin skill.

Me and Brad can probably take them out if we fight seriously."

Brad said with a serious face. "I can even climb walls if things get heated, with me around spiderman will lose his job."

Jake smiled and patted Brad on the shoulder. "We will make sure to rely on you if that time comes."

Jake turned his back to them and said. "We have an hour, Jason go lead the way towards the place where the main cast is."


Information about pockets: They are only visible to their user, so others can't see them.

Each user can will it to appear or disappear.