Chapter 8

Jake was walking towards the building's entrance, the guards didn't notice him because he was kind of far away but that didn't matter.


Jake jumped backwards, hearing the sound of gunshots. 'Judging from the sound it was a sniper.'


The bullet arrived the second he moved out of they way.

Jake looked at the guards and saw that they were alarmed.


They raised their guns against him and as they were about to open fire another loud gunshot was heard.


The head of 4 different guards were penetrated by a bullet.

Kazami firstly fired at the sniper, after he killed the sniper he controlled the bullet to kill as many guards as he could.

The bullets he was using were not any bullets too, they were armor piercing 50 cal.

The only reason why the bullet didn't kill more guards was because they all were wearing army protection helmets.

While the guards were surprised Jake was already in front of them.


Jake punched one in the side of the head hard enough to destroy the helmet and knock him out at the same time.

While he was sent flying Jake didn't let him go and grabbed him by the leg.


He swung him around and threw him at the other guards.



At least three guards were blocked on the ground, they fell over each other like a domino effect after Jake threw that guy over them.


Jake was about to punch another one in the face but he heard a loud gunshot from behind.

He unclenched his fist and grabbed the guy he was about to punch and shielded himself with him.


The bullet went straight through the guy's body armor and entered Jake's skin.

But it stopped because most of the bullet's force was reduced by the body armor and didn't stand a chance against his steel skin.

He threw the guy again over the three guys on the ground to keep them busy.

There were three more guards alive on this side of the building excluding the ones on the ground.


Kazami took another shot, killed another sniper and the three guys that were on the ground struggling.


The guards alive snapped out of it and started shooting towards Jake.

Jake dropped himself to the ground and used all of his strength to launch himself to his right.

He looked like a frog hopping to the side when he did that move.

But it wasn't a dumb move, he took cover behind the dead bodies.

When the guards stopped shooting, he heard them say.

"FUCK! I'm out of ammo!"

Jake with no hesitation got up on his feet and launched himself towards the guards.


Firstly, he punched the one who was nearest in the chin, then he kneed another guy in the mouth.

While he was midair he rotated his body and kicked the last one with the back of his foot in the temple.

He entered the building and he was welcomed by a dozens of men in suits with handguns pointed straight at him.

Jake had an awkward expression on his face, he had one bead of sweat going down his forehead and he said. "I didn't expect this."

He saw one guy who was on the first floor looking down at the whole thing, he opened his mouth and before he could say anything Jake had one hand in his pocket and he said. "I didn't want to resort to this but there are just too many of you."

He revealed a grenade with the safety pin off.


The man who Jake interrupted yelled after seeing what he had in his hand.

Jake had a malicious smile on his face, and he threw the grenade as hard as he could at the group of armed men.

They couldn't even react, Jake's movements were too fast for the untrained eye.


Because of the force of impact, the bomb detonated early and killed most of the gunners, the rest of them were crippled for life and in immense pain.

The man who was up there had a scared look on his face, he was so focused on the explosion that he didn't even see Jake who arrived behind him.

Jake started running as soon as he threw the bomb, it was no surprise that he was already behind the man.

As the man was about to take his phone out and call the higher ups something nostalgic happened.


Jake twisted his neck 180 degrees and said. "I wouldn't want you calling for even more reinforcements now, do I?"

The man fell to the ground, while he was still alive he didn't have a lot of time remaining.

Jake didn't feel bad in anyway killing these rats, his actions were justified since they killed a big percentage of Tokyo's population.

He was expecting some kind of speech but they acted professionally, it wasn't like in the movies at all.

He sent the message in the pocket so Brad could come in since he made Jason stay outside to look out for other people entering the building.

After that he started checking every room on this floor.


Jake and Brad started checking every room on every floor.

While they were on the 6th floor they heard the sound of a lot of people going down the stairs.

Jake made Brad hide behind a corner so he can fight them singlehandedly.

The first guy to show up was a guy in a suit equipped with a sword.


Jake ignored him and looked at the people behind him, they were all armed with weapons.

Swords, katanas, knives, bats, axes, sledgehammers, knives and even chainsaws.

While they were running towards him Jake assumed a fighting stance with both of his fist forward.

He was aiming to no give them any space, if they are closed in on the stairs space with teammates around they will not be able to swing those big weapons around.

The guy in the front swung his sword towards Jake, but Jake had his gloves on so you knew he was serious.


The man swung his sword down on him, Jake just punched the sword and then punched the guy in the face.

The guy was sent backwards, blocking some of the guys from going down further.


Jake jumped with his feet forward and crashed into at least 5 guys that were one behind the other.

"You guys are boring, take me to your boss."


Jake was right now on the 10th floor, finally after fighting fodder someone showed up claiming to be their boss.

"Are you the big boss of this place?"

"No, I am first lieutenan-"


He didn't get to finish his sentence because Jake grabbed him by the head and smashed him into the ground.

"Shut up then, who the fucked asked you to come her-?!"


In the hand of the man who was on the ground appeared a knife and he swung it towards Jake's face.

Jake jumped backwards with a surprised face, he looked to his right where there was a mirror on the wall and saw a shallow cut that was going over his mouth.

He looked back at the man and saw him get back up, only visible injury was the blood coming from his head dripping on his face.

He was in a combat stance and he said. "Listen when I'm talking, that ranks mean that I'm the second in command here."

Jake took a stance and said "You should have started with that then."

The man said again. "Why are you attacking us?"

Jake smirked and said. "You guys are in the way of my goals."

"I see."


The man rushed towards Jake and swung his knife.

Sharp air pressure was released from the swing and it was sent towards Jake at high speeds.


Jake punched the air attack with all of his strength and dispersed it.

'Did he create air pressure with a swing from his knife?

Is it the knife or his skill?

But it wasn't so strong as I anticipated it.'

The man was in front of him with the knife, ready to slash him in close quarters.


Jake's fist and the knife clashed, creating a little bit of wind around them from the impact.


Whatever quality that knife was, it was nowhere near Jake's gloves.

The blade started to crack under the pressure and the man's eyes widened.

He jumped backwards but something unexpected happened.


Brad jumped off the roof and crushed him with his whole 500kg weight.

Jake had a stupefied expression on his face, he didn't even realize that Brad was on the roof the whole time, waiting for an opening.

The man was crushed to the ground.

"I think the knife was the source of his strength."

He took it in his inventory and read the description.

It was a B-graded knife that lets you create air pressure from your attacks, that are as strong as your usual attacks.

"Didn't Kazami use knives? I guess I'll give this to him."

He turned around and said. "Brad, let's go search for their bo-"



A lot of loud explosions were heard all over the building and a big earthquake was felt by both Jake and Brad.

Jake didn't get time to react because the whole building started to sway to the left.

Jake in this situation panicked a little, in his wildest dreams had he ever thought that he would be caught in a situation like this one.

But one thing was clear.

'Someone bombed the building!!'

Rubble, chairs, desks and random metal objects were all falling on him.

He desperately tried to punch everything that was getting near him but he couldn't even tell what's up, down, left or right.

Despair overcame him, he was on the 10th floor and even with the small chances of his survival there is no doubting it, he will suffer heavy damage.


That was the final thing Jake heard before falling unconscious.