Chapter 11

Jake was looking down at the woman's head, you couldn't see his expression because of his balaclava and eyes.

Behind him you could see the moon setting in the back, dim light coming from his back making him seen even more intimidating than ever.

Daki was stupefied. 'He arrived behind me in such a short amount of time? And what's with his attack? That was totally a long raged attack.

But that's impossible! He isn't even a demon, I could feel it if he was but he's not.

And looking closely, he really doesn't have one arm!'

From the first time she set her eyes on the two she felt uncomfortable with only him, it was like her body was telling her to run.

"You look pretty surprised. What is it? Bugging you in that small head of yours?

Is it the fact that I managed to decapitate you without you even being capable of reacting?

Or is it the fact that I'm so strong with a missing arm?"

Even though those were one of the things bugging her that was not the main problem. She could feel it, there was something more... to him then every human she has ever met.

That was where she was mistaken, because here comes the question.

Can players with the ability to crush normal humans with a wave of their hand be called human anymore?

Can an organism who is dozens of times stronger then the rest of his kin be called the same as the rest of them?

While some heroic protagonists may say. "You're human too! You don't deserve to do horrible things to your own kind!"

Jake was different, he subconsciously didn't even consider those much weaker than him or those he didn't care about human anymore.

It was like they were ants, bugs.

You can care for a bug, you can give it love and affection.

But a bug...

Is still just a bug.

And that's what made him more dangerous then the rest of his fellow humans, he wouldn't hesitate to do atrocious acts to those weaker than him in order to achieve his goals.

And people strong or experienced enough can tell that he's different then the rest of them.

Daki decided to ignore that feeling and yell. "HELP ME ONII-CHAAAAAN!!"

She made the best choice, because if she prolonged that Jake would have probably have talked more about philosophical things.

Jake looked at her with a weird expression hidden under the balaclava but something weird started happening.


Flesh started to grow out of her back at alarming speeds.



Jake's eyes widened and he swung his knife towards him.

The new enemy grabbed Daki and moved in a safe direction at high speeds.


Jake didn't lose sight of him for even one second so he swung his knife once more before the ugly demon that just manifested could even stop.


A sickle manifested in the demon's hand and he deflected the slash of air.

Jake took a relaxed stance and said. "Your reaction time is good, totally different then that girl whose head you are attaching right now."


And you're not too bad yourself, man. Your attacks are no joke either, you're different then the other hashira I've killed."

(Info dumb about the demon's appearance:

A relatively tall man of a somewhat muscular build with a black-dotted, pale grayish complexion whose anatomy was somewhat strange in that his upper torso, arms and legs were all extremely muscular where his waist was incredibly skinny, his pelvis jutting out at an unnatural angle.)

The demon looked at Jake and said. "I can't tell how you look but judging from your build you are pretty tall and muscular, must be popular with the ladies.

But I don't hate you too much since you too have a fault unlike all those spotless pretty boys, you only have one arm."

Jake lifted his head up and said while looking down at them. "So what? Are you pitying me for not having an arm?"

"Isn't that logical? You're only a human who can't regenerate if he gets hurt, why wou-?!"


While he was speaking Jake raised his left hand in the air and made a weird hand sign, that was the sign signaling Kazami to shoot.


As soon as he heard the sound of the firearm going off Jake ran towards the guy's little sister and swung his knife in close range to cleanly cut her head off with the knife itself.


The male demon deflected the bullet and saw Jake's slash go towards his siter's neck.


He jumped towards Jake whose blade was in the middle of cutting her head off and deflected the attack.



From Jake's right arm where there was supposed to be no arm a big, black knife emerged out of the sleeve and decapitated the male demon.

He then swung his blade again fully decapitating Daki too.

"You fell for it, when did I say I didn't have a prosthetic arm?"

That's right, he created a prosthetic arm equipped with a big ass knife that can be summoned from the inventory whenever he wishes to do so.

He saw the male demon have a surprised expression on his face and Jake said again. "Oh right, I guess someone from this period wouldn't know.

Too bad for you that I came here prepared."



He cut that insanely loud scream by stomping his head into a bloody mush.

"FUCK YOU! Now my ears are ringing."



He cut her off too by stomping her in the head.

"Fucking hell, all are these demons so fucking loud?"


He decided to ignore the notification for now and look at the destruction caused by the 'battle', if it could even be called one.

The building they were in was destroyed to the ground and that was about it, since this battle was short lived there was naturally no serious collateral damage.

Jason arrived near Jake and he said. "They were careless, demons usually don't fight with full strength from the start because they underestimate humans.

And there's the fact that he thought you had only one arm, that's one of the reasons they got killed."

"I do only have one arm, it was just a prosthetic we made.

But I have a feeling that the woman was holding him back, if he fought by himself he would have been stronger."

In the meantime Jake put his prosthetic arm and knife back in the inventory.

What they didn't know was the fact that they were being watched by a crow with a weird paper talisman on it.

Kagaya Ubuyashiki, the leader of the Demon Slayer corps had a premonition some time ago regarding the red light district.

That's why he made his daughters watch the place from time to time through the crows.

In a different location, very far away. A kid with black hair and big purple eyes with a paper talisman of the same kind as the one on the crow.

Even though he was a boy, he had very feminine features and because of his stature you would easily mistake him for being a girl.

He was watching everything unfold through the talisman with wide eyes.

He didn't know whether the guy who just killed that demon was human or not, bot two things were clear.

He was strong and his abilities were weird.

He decided to report all of this news to his dad.

Back to Jake and Jason, Jake looked at the rising sun and said. "I completed the mission but there probably are some hidden missions here too, what do you think?"

"Hmm, probably killing more demons would probably complete some hidden missions but I don't think we need to worry." As soon as he finished talking Jason looked exactly at the crow with a weird paper talisman on it.

The crow started flying away as soon as Jason looked at it.

Jake looked at the crow and said. "What's that? A crow with a paper talisman on it?"

"They are used by the Ubuyashiki family, the one which controls the demon slayer corps.

The members of the family can use these crows for surveillance, giving missions to the slayers and many more."

Jake looked at it and said. "Should I kill it?"

"No, they will probably send demon slayers to check us out."

Jake turned around and said. "I see where you're going with this, we will stay lurking in this city until someone shows up."

After he finished speaking he became unnoticeable to normal people, this skill that hides your presence only works on average people and it doesn't allow you to attack anyone with this skill on.

So while they are unable to be sensed by normal people, demons and demon slayers who have honed their sense of perception.

Even the people from his world that don't have perception related skills or strong senses are unable to notice them.

Jason too used the skill and followed Jake.