Chapter 16

Jake was currently in a room full of computers and electronics, it was underground so the room was somewhat dark and cold, the only source of light being the light of the electronics.

The walls were straight up dirt because they didn't bother to make the room presentable.

He just finished reading the memory of all the people and kids that he made watch anime, read manga and novels. (Mentioned in chapter 10)

His head was aching and his overall memories were in a disarray because of the overwhelming information that transported into his head all at once.

He was holding his head while sitting on a chair clenching his teeth. 'Why did I think it was a good idea to take all of their memories all at once, this is going to make some damage to my memories overall!'

After about one hour of constant torture, the pain finally went away.

He used his skill to delete any useless memories that he got, like everything that doesn't regard anime, manga and novels.

Since he took their whole memories he of course got the memory of every person he touched on the head to copy their memories.

After he deleted the useless stuff he was left with what he wanted in the first place.

'It finally doesn't hurt anymore. Fucking hell'

The skill he bought was a B graded memory manipulation skill. He sold every useless skill and weapon he had in his inventory to get enough coins for it.

But it was a pretty reasonable price since the skill isn't combat oriented.

He firstly checked the world of High school of the dead since it was the first world he entered.

After he looked into it the expression under the balaclava was a scrunched up and an overall disgusted one.

'What the fuck is this? The only thing that caught my attention and is prevailing throughout the anime and manga are the tits.

And why the fuck do all the women fall for that Takeshi or Takashi guy, I even forgot he existed.'

Of course Jake forgot the bat boy existed since he killed him without much thought when they met.

'This is stupid, next one is Demon Slayer.'

After he looked through Demon slayer his face went back to his usual calm one and he thought.

'Solid story, don't really like the MC...'

He knew why he didn't like Tanjiro. That's because Tanjiro kind of remined him of himself, but unlike Jake, Tanjiro didn't cross the line to become a horrible human being like Jake did.

People that actually accomplish their goals without losing a part of themselves or their humanity are very lucky, because Jake knew that for reaching his goal he has to sacrifice a lot of things.

He then started going through every anime he could find since those are easier to understand.

10 hours passed and he finally finished going through every memory, meanwhile he can understand an anime in less than 10 seconds some of them are way too long and need analysis in order to really understand them.

Plus there's the fact that there are hundreds upon hundreds of anime stories in his memory.

His expression was dark, you couldn't see the part of his face that was hidden, like a shadow was covering it.

This is the result of his emotions getting to the surface, a black aura subconsciously surrounds him when that happens.

And that black aura is the result of his 'spiritual' power that has been strengthened showing itself.

'Most of these protagonist and their ass-pulled powers, they go through hardship and barely change at all.

Their will never wavers and they never give up, even if they give up, later they always prevail and obtain victory.

Some of them don't even kill their opponents, they just incapacitate them.

The good always prevails and the bad will always lose, what nonsense.

Even a villain who I liked, the ant king Meruem, turned out to find his humanity and have a happy death.

The only person I can agree whose name I didn't forget is Donquixote Doflamingo.

He understands how the world works better than almost any character out there, there is no bad and good in this world, it's just the winner and the loser.

The winner will always become the hero while the loser becomes the villain.

But in the end, even the guy Jake agreed with lost.

"What bullshit, That guy lost to some snot nosed brat who day-dreams all the time.

This just shows how unfair the world really is, there will always be someone born better than you, no matter how hard you work you can't beat the geniuses of the world.

But who am I to talk, I was always strong too, a normal fighter would have stood no chance against me even before the world started to change.

Born from the strongest Yakuza ever, inherited his strength.

But again, who am I fooling, I'm not even Jake.

I'm an impostor who took his body over some time ago, and I regret nothing about it.

That just means that my will was stronger and that I was chosen instead of him.

What do values matter if they are destroyed by overwhelming strength, in the end the loser's goal and dream will be stepped on and crushed by the winner. "

He really didn't like the unfairness displayed in anime, one of the reasons for that is because he himself would be categorized as a villain if he was in an anime.

And somehow, most of the time, the hero wins with the power of friendship and love.

And what pisses him off the most is how unrealistic they are, you will never achieve your goal just because you want to.

There are others out there like you with stronger resolve and are willing to risk more than you on their way to achieve their goals.

In the end it all comes down to luck, if you are lucky enough to get born talented and strong, lucky enough to be born intelligent or genetically superior than others.

He managed to calm down, even though he went through thousands of hours worth of memories he didn't actually memorize everything, most of the stuff he digested was useful information regarding every world.

He got up from his chair and started walking away, he was in an empty room so when he exited the room he was in front of some stairs, he climbed the stairs and finally arrived at the ground level, he was using his C graded presence hiding skills so most of the foot soldiers wouldn't see him because he knows how to hide his presence too.

He peacefully got outside the headquarters and started walking around aimlessly.

He was looking at the newly recruited JK members that were walking the streets of Odaiba.

Some people from Chiba evacuated from there since the Yakuza is looking to expand and even Chiba wasn't safe.

Weirdly enough, most of the people who came from Chiba are young looking men, no one actually looks over 30 years old.

While he was looking at the people who just came from Chiba someone was actually looking back at him.

It was a person with a very beautiful face, small frame, golden hair and a mole under the left eye.

The guy was looking at him with wide eyes and his mouth wide open.

'What's up with that guy, is he looking directly at me?'

Despite his beautiful face, long golden hair and small frame Jake could tell that that person was a boy.

He had a lot of bruises on his fist, a sign of being through countless fights and the musculature on his hands was no joke either, he looked like a spring ready to explode.

The boy with golden hair was surrounded by guys who looked older than him, some of them had their hair dyed blond and they were having a barbeque in the front yard.

'Those guy around him totally look like delinquents, is he a delinquent too, wait.

This guy seems way stronger than a normal person.'

Jake made a sign with his hand signaling the boy to follow him.

The boy talked with his friends for a bit and then went towards Jake all by himself.

Jake started walking to the back of a building, when he arrived there he saw that there were metal fences all around so no one can spy on them easily.

Jake looked at the boy who arrived here too and said after deactivating his skill. "Impressive, you were able to sense me despite me using my skill and actively hiding my presence."

The boy scratched the back of his head and said. "Well, it's nothing impressive really.

Afterall my skill is related to my vision."

Jake looked at him and thought. 'That vision of his should be B-ranked, and there's the fact that his pupils are white, indication of blindness but he can clearly see.

Looks like he's killed some people too in order to buy that skill.'

The boy looked at him and said. "You're the leader of JK right?"

"What makes you think that."

"Well the members of JK always mention their leader's greatness and give pretty explicit explanations on how he looks, and after we migrated here since it was the fastest way to escape that hell we hear about him almost all the time." (They don't actually know how he looks, it's just the usual leader outfit he wears, baclava and hood over his head.)

"There's no use denying it.

Yes I am the leader of JK and the reason I invited you here is because a new position just opened up in the guild, and I think your vision can come in useful."

The boy's eyes widened but he said with his eyes closed and a bead of sweat going down his forehead.

"I appreciate your offer but actually I am the leader of Kilihito, the group of people that came here from Chiba.

I can't abandon my people and join your guild."

"I don't know what Kilihito is but let me ask you something, can you really refuse me?"

The boy stayed silent so Jake continued. "You guys came into our territory since it was the fastest way to escape that hell, and if you met the members you should know what kind of people they are and what kind of weaponry we have.

I doubt you guys have heavy artillery like we do."

The boy opened his eyes and his whole demeanor changed, his pupils were hollow black instead of his white ones and his face wasn't nervous anymore.

It was like he just switched his emotions off.

"Are you threatening me with my friends?"


Jake traveled the five meters in between them in an instant and his sword was pressing against the boy's neck.


"If you met my underlings you should have heard stories of my strength too, did you think they were exaggerated ?"

Jake went back to his spot and said. "Calm down kid, I'm not saying that you should disband your gang or whatever you're doing.

You should just bring each and every one of them in JK and create your own Kilihito inside of JK, they will still listen to you but now their protection will be granted by my guild.

You will become an executive that will only respond to me and Torai Seijûrô, and I'm doubtful that that lazy bastard will actually check up on you.

The only difference that may not sit well with you is that you will come with me in missions."

The boy's expression went back to normal, his eyes widened and he said with a surprised expression. "Did you just say Torai Seijûrô?"

"Yes, do you know him? I guess you do judging by your reaction."

"Yeah, everyone who has connection with the Yakuza would have at least heard of him once, but that's the old Yakuza.

The new one is fundamentally different."

"I know this shit already, give me your answer."

The boy closed his eyes, smiled and said. "As long as you promise to do what you told me since it doesn't look like a bad deal."

'Hmph, doesn't look like a bad deal my ass, it's not like you have a choice.'

The boy opened his eyes and his expression was that cold one from before. "But if you hurt me and my friends I will never forgive you."

Jake looked at him with wide eyes and thought. 'This kid...

I now know why I like him so much, he's the same type as me!

Those eyes aren't the eyes of a person who can be considered human by society's standards. He'll do anything to protect his friends or whatever goal he has in mind.'

Jake closed his eyes and said. "Hmph, you've got balls trying to threaten me.

But that doesn't mean I don't understand where you're coming from.

Everyone has something that they want to protect with everything they've got.

You have my word, I won't touch your friends without a good reason.

Meaning that if they try to attack me, injuring them or even killing them will be the outcome."

The boy's expression softened and he opened his eyes showing his beautiful white pupils.

"That's acceptable."

Jake went past him and said. "I forgot to ask your name."

"Oh, my name's Atsushi Tanzawa. But my friends call me Acchan, you can call me Acchan too.

By the way, what's your name? Everyone just calls you leader."

"You can call me Leader or however you like, it doesn't really matter."

"Alright Leader-kun!"

Jake tripped on a rock and looked back at Tanzawa with wide eyes. 'This kid's got no respect for his elders.'

Not really, Jake from this world is 17 years old so they are the same age.

Jake looked at Tanzawa's innocent expression and sighed. "It's nothing, but I'll contact Torai to check you out.

I think you two will hit it off pretty nicely."

After that Jake walked away.