Chapter 20 Time skip.

A year passed and a lot of things changed in the world.

Firstly, JK destroyed the Yakuza and Mahito had his fun torturing that leader cunt.

He even settled all the wars that were happening around the world by intervening 'personally'.

He managed to claim the reins of the world by doing other shady stuff but right now he was the biggest guild in the world.

There were other guilds out there that 'controlled' some countries but JK was the biggest one by far.

He rarely makes public appearances after he took control of the world and the ones who are in charge of JK are Torai and Tanzawa.

And as the shapeshifter monster he is, he can change his appearance at will.

He doesn't even care about the supposed appearance anymore.

He changes his appearance however he wants but he sticked with the one he had when he he was reborn.

He showed himself publicly since he doesn't care about what the humans think, but they started to accept him over time after Tanzawa put some bullshit explanation.

Only special people could see him since he was a curse so the JK members worshipped him even more as a god.

He literally can't be killed without hurting his soul.

And when they merged his cursed energy and the quality of his soul became much stronger.

But one thing he had to go through was self-acceptance.

He had to fully acknowledge what he truly was and where he came from.

Embrace everything about himself without hesitation.

He was a curse to humanity itself, part of his being was born from the hated the humans had between themselves while the other part was human itself.

But his human self was trampled over and destroyed as the world began to change.

He had big goals from the beginning, in order to protect the ones he cares for.

But failed and lost every ounce of humanity.

That part of himself was pitiable and the result of things not going his way.

Now he has no goal whatsoever, he just exists.

He has yet to uncover the mysteries of the soul or his true essence.

The human heart is one of the most beautiful things in the world and yet it's one of the most ugly things at the same time.

While Mahito had a human heart, it was shattered to pieces, totally abandoned and given up on.

After accepting what he was, he lived according to his desires and did everything he wanted to.

There was no need to hold himself back.

You could say that living among humans has disgusted him a lot but he learned to not bother with them, since they were toys that he could play with if he wanted.

Talking about him, right now he was having bath outdoors.

He was swimming around and playing with the water while fooling around.

Together with him there were Torai and Tanzawa.

The three of them were having fun together.

Mahito was in his kid form fooling around.

Mahito said. "Acchan, how is it that you get all the females?"

Tanzawa looked at Mahito and said. "Don't ask me! It's embarrassing."

Torai said with a stoic expression. "It's because Delinquent-kun has a feminine face and slender body, girls usually like that a lot."

Mahito nodded and said. "That's true, he does look like a woman."

Tanzawa had a whiney expression and he said on the verge of tears. "Stop making fun of me!"

Torai crossed his arms and said. "Why do you even want to pull girls, Mahito?

Aren't you a curse in the first place? You have no gender in the first place."

Mahito pouted in his kid form and said. "That's not true!

I identify as male!"

He transformed himself back into his adult form and said flaunting his weapon. "See?!"

Torai looked angry and he said. "TCH!

You can change the shape of your penis at will!

That's not fair!"

Mahito smiled and said. "HAHAHA!

Cry about it!"

Even though everyone present here were ruthless monsters they all had playful and childish personalities.

While Torai and Mahito were arguing about their dick sizes, Tanzawa was looking at his own weapon with tears in his eyes.

Those two were big while he was average.

He cried and said while pointing at them! "It's not fair!

Why do you guys have the built bodies and big artillery while I can't even put on muscle!

No matter how much I train I can't get bigger!"

Mahito can just change his body shape, so he chose to be really shredded while Torai was just born that massive.

Torai said. "We talked about this before, but your body acts like a hamstring so you'll never get bigger than you already are.

Your muscle gets more and more compact instead of building on more muscle.

You have explosive strength and speed because of that, it's a blessing in disguise."

Tanzawa wiped his eyes and said. "Yeah, but I always get mistaken for a girl!

I want to become manly too!"

Mahito raised his arm with a purple glow surrounding it and said. "Want me to fix that for you?"


Tanzawa seemed to think about it but be raised his palm and said with a serious face. "No thank you."

Mahito's eyes darkened and he said nothing for a second.

He closed his eyes, put his hand down and said with a smile. "Your loss!"

After more fooling around Mahito thought about something.

'This is weird, it's been over a year and nothing happened, there's no way this being would just stop what it was doing so suddenly without any warning...'

He floated on the water and thought. 'I'll worry about it later.'


Mahito was standing on one of the biggest buildings in Tokyo and he was looking down at the city that was already functioning normally.

Since Japan is under JK's jurisdiction, people weren't allowed to use their skill without an authorized license that's very hard to get, it's only given by Tanzawa or Torai personally to some special people.

It was just like the big war in Tokyo didn't even exist, with the help of people's skills the city was rebuilt at an alarming rate.

And since people couldn't get skills anymore and were stuck with the ones they had there were only very little people that had good skills.

Some people tried to abuse their power but they were destroyed by JK's private army.

The strongest people in the world were the 'Two Managers and The King.'

The managers being Torai and Tanzawa while the king was naturally Mahito.

They were called managers since they were the ones that managed Japan and other parts of the world.

And Mahito was called The King since he was the strongest being in this world.

But one thing was for sure, Mahito no longer had the sense of self anymore.

He could take the form of anyone he wished and act the way they would act.

The only thing that defined him was his personality that could change like the wind and his way of thinking.

But right now there's no need to do that since he wasn't being hunted by anyone stronger than him, and even if he was, he would face them straight on since he has yet to find the true shape of his soul.

He was sitting on the edge of the building swinging his feet like a little kid and he said. "What irony, the one who's in charge of all these humans is the result of the hatred between humans.

And they chose to accept it just because I don't meddle in their affairs and the fact that I'm the strongest.

It's like I'm the god of this world, I will never die of old age neither physical attacks...

The only thing I don't like is the fact that I'm the only curse in this world, there are no other curses around..."


Weird sounds started to resound from the air so he looked upwards.

His eyes widened and his expression changed significantly.

A gigantic portal like red thing opened up in the air and something straight out of a nightmare came out of it.

A big red dragon that was bigger than a skyscraper, it had a ferocious appearance and it looked very menacing.


It roared with such intensity that all the glass in the area burst and the unfortunate buildings right under it were falling in random directions.


But what surprised Mahito the most was the fact that his soul trembled hearing that, but it wasn't from fear.

It was excitement.

Around the world, similar things happened but this was the only dragon that appeared al over the world, goblins, wolves, ogres, trolls and a shit ton of mythical creatures appeared.

And it just so happened that the most dangerous one appeared near the strongest inhabitant of this world.