There was a brief silent stare down between the two, Azula cautiously stood with a bit of weariness in her golden eyes while Kurokiba seemed a bit perplexed at her unexpected state at the moment.
"It's kinda hard to explain, but I mean you no harm. Please just rest for now, you look terrible." Kurokiba said with concern, she could see that the girl was barely holding on.
Azula looked at the girl in bafflement, usually she'd have snapped at her and maybe even attacked her to teach her a lesson, but right now she was preoccupied. There was a gap in her memory, the last thing she remembered was being shipped off to a mental asylum. Her brother had shamed her and spared her life, at that moment she thought death would be better, in fact she desired to just disappear into oblivion. She didn't have any will to live on anymore.
"Can I trust you?" Fighting off all of her natural instincts, Azula asked the most out of character question for her.
Kurokiba just gaped at the girl, she was shocked by the person that stood before her, she didn't have any semblance to the Azula he'd watched behind the screen, even when she devolved into insanity she wasn't so....passive.
"Yeah." Kurokiba gave a kind smile and answered genuinely.
After hearing that, all the tension left Azula's body, all the fatigue, sadness and pain finally caught up to her. She fell into a slumber, the last thing she remembered was a warm embrace and a rosy scent.
Kurokiba looked down at Azula's sleeping form with astonishment. Of all the scenarios that played out into her head when she planned ways to subdue her, it never occurred to her that Azula would simply be so out of it and purposeless, frankly she didn't know what to do now.
'What if she wakes up and decides to kill herself?' Kurokiba pondered, she couldn't really accurately predict what Azula would do. But she wouldn't put it past Azula to try and end everything once she finds out her perfect world has fallen apart completely with no chance to regain it.
Looking down at the fourteen year old princess, it really stung deep how bad her life had been. Nobody except her father ever given her the love she craved. Her uncle was too busy fighting a war and her mother feared her.
Sadly her father was also only chasing his own agenda, maybe he did love her, but his ambitions came first above all else. He had obsessed himself with power so much he sinned against his children. Their final Agni Kai was a testament to that.
Of all the fight scenes Kurokiba had watched in the Avatar show, no words could really describe how much of an impact that one fight had on her.
"I guess I'll deal with her when she wakes up." Kurokiba sighed to herself and walked away.
The next morning Azula stirred awake, she found herself waking up to an unfamiliar grey ceiling, even more perplexing was the fact that she wasn't bound like a loon.
She looked around, the room had a single bed with white cosy cotton blankets and satin sheets, a light on the middle of the room illuminated the white and pink walls. The rest of the room was a little bare besides a wooden desk near the window and a closet.
She sat up from the bed. Fighting off an intolerable headache as images flashed in her head. She wasn't in her old world anymore, instead she had been summoned by the strange woman from yesterday.
Images came into her head like a flood, telling her to obey her new master, a preposterous idea!!
'Ridiculous!! How could I a princess stand to be under someone else's boot?!!'Azula screamed internally, on the outside She only uttered a dissatisfied groan.
How could someone dare spout such nonsense to her? The great Azula. She may have fallen from grace, but she was still a princess and a proud warrior to boot.
As she delved into her own little world of delusion, Azula didn't notice a new presence enter the room. Kurokiba looked curiously at the girl, her overall condition was looking much better now.
Kurokiba stared at Azula who scowled as her thoughts delved deeper and deeper into confusion as she sorted through the information in her mind. Kurokiba didn't know this of course, she brought down a cup of coffee on the desk and pulled a chair to sit beside Azula, not daring to disturb the girl's thoughts.
After a few more minutes, Azula finally regained her bearings, she jumped up in caution and got into a ready stance once she realized that someone sat beside her.
"Hey, whoa I told you I'm not going to harm you. Calm down and have a coffee, you were pretty out of it yesterday." Kurokiba spoke in a disarming manner.
Hearing this, Azula stared at her trying to discern any lies in her words, after sensing no malice, she settled back down and took the offered cup of coffee, which was kept hot using magic.
The two sat in silence, Azula glared at the cup showing clearly her suspicion that it was spiked.
"Don't worry, I didn't put any poison or drug in it." Kurokiba assured.
Azula hesitantly sipped the coffee. Her eyes widened as she tasted the fragrant beverage, Never in her life had she tasted such a delicacy. The sweet heavenly taste and the hint of bitterness melded perfectly together. She moaned involuntarily into the cup.
"I assumed you like my coffee! You're reaction reminds me so much of my sister when she also first tasted it..." Kurokiba started talking merrily as if Azula was an old friend and they were catching up over a cup of coffee.
"Shut up!" Azula's cold vice dominated the room, she craned her head slightly and looked at Kurokiba's confused eyes with her hollow golden eyes.
"I don't wish to hear you yap on about your pathetic life as if I care or even asked you. I don't know your purpose for bringing me here but you'd better take me back to my world or else." Azula threatened.
Kurokiba just stared at the girl for a few seconds, seeing this Azula smiled internally as the she gained leverage in the conversation.
Sorry for the late release, I had a problem logging into my account, everything is back on track though so please enjoy this chapter.