Party. (5/5.)

I was terrified as I was reminded of the constant dropping of bombs from my Otherworld.

I was excited as I witnessed such raw destruction happening right before my eyes.

But if I'm being truly honest with myself.

I was envious.

I wanted what Siegbald had, power.

"Siegbald, I'm going to need as many bodies as you can give me. And when will I be able to meet the Lieutenants of those of the underworld?" I asked without turning away from the destruction.

"A greedy one, aren't you Grave Digger." Siegbald said with slight laughter in his voice.

"Normally no. But, I'm tired of being the weakest one in the room. But more importantly there's someone I need to bury alive in the most vicious manner." I said with anger in my voice as my vision started to turn slightly red.

Siegbald was silent for a brief moment as I even felt Shura gaze linger for a moment. All the while, a symphony of destruction continued across the Otihame Kingdoms capital.

"They must have done something to really upset you, Bastion. You have even gained one of the rarest skills of the Trail of Demons, Demonic Rage. Normally it doesn't activate on its own unless your compatibility reaches max." Siegbald spoke clearly as the symphony of destruction started to quiet around us.

But I never turned away from the destruction as I wanted to remember everything that I was witnessing.

So that I would remember the day I chose to no longer be a weak and pathetic Grave Digger.

"Give me a couple of days to gather the corpses for the Red Party of the Otihame Kingdom so we can give them a proper burial. I'll even throw in as many death row criminals as I can. But I want to know the reason why you have such hatred."

Siegbald spoke in a Kingly manner in the beginning but near the end his voice changed to that of a friend. Shura didn't even seem to notice as her entire attention was focused on the symphony of destruction with a look of excitement on her face.

"I killed Big Red Boars' sons unknowingly at the time, got information about their camp, and sent out a scout party that was led by Big Red Boar and six Red Boar Riders." I started to explain as my voice filled with venom. "Then the bastard disturbed those that I laid to rest, took their ashes, and started a minor-beast tide in the Eastern Black Forest."

"I see, I can give you an entire legion of soldiers to help you accomplish something minor if you want." Siegbald responded with an off tone in his voice.

I was tempted, very tempted.

Siegbald was offering an entire legion to help me annihilate the entire Red Boar Bandits. But the more I thought about it the more and more I thought it wouldn't truly help me in what I want.

I released a sigh as I pulled out my fishing hat and put it on as I felt my passive Calm Mind of the Fisher kick in.

"I appreciate the offer Siegbald, I do. But I want to do this with my own two hands. I don't care if it was his own two sons. He didn't have the right to disturb those I laid to rest." I answered as I looked at Siegbald since he brought us up to the spire so we could watch the Red Party of the Otihame Kingdom.

Siegbald nodded his head with a slight smile. "I respect your choice, Bastion. I would have thought less of you if you had accepted. Just make sure you come back alive."

The symphony of destruction started to return as the roaring of dragons could be heard again.

"This has been quite the party, your Royal Highness, but I was wondering if I could possibly talk with Bastion for a moment" Shura asked with a smile on her slightly flushed pale face.

Siegbald just started to laugh just as he vanished as he was no longer on the spire.

"I'll tell you now if you give me a one-sided bullshit contract of a deal we're both going over the spires edge." I said just as Siegbald disappeared which seemed to make Shura laugh.

"The thought never crossed my mind. If anything, I was wondering if you could possibly help me with something." Shura asked as her flushed face started to turn back to normal. "If anything it would benefit the both of us and if what my Goddess told me is true then it will truly benefit the both of us."

I was a little confused as the look in Shura's ruby red eyes seemed to change to one of a hunter that saw its prey.

"Are you sure because those eyes of yours are telling a different story than what you just said. But screw it what's the worst thing that could possibly happen, you going to turn me into a slave?" I answered as the look in Shura's eyes only seemed to intensify which made me want to slap myself for what I just said.

But Shura didn't do what I thought she would do and lunged at me. If anything she did something that kinda surprised me… she started laughing.

Just as she finished her laughter she quickly grabbed two of those blood red orbs, consuming them as her laughter started to lessen as a red flush returned to her pale face.

"Well yes actually, if you don't let me finish that will happen. I'm suffering from the side effect of one of my skills from when I broke that asshole's aura. Normally I'm able to counter the effects of my skill with these blood orbs but…" Shura started to explain before she grabbed the side of her head as her eyes changed again while clenching her teeth.

Quickly summoning two more blood red orbs to consume. Leaving only a little more than twenty left.

"You ok, that seemed intense." I asked as I tried to help Shura stand, but just when I was about to reach her I stopped. Just as her hand almost grabbed my throat.

"Don't come near me… until I've consumed a Purified Blood Orb. Unless you want to truly become a mindless slave." Shura spoke with heavy breaths as she slowly pulled her hand back. "But since it seemed that Roland was stronger than I thought, I'm suffering a harsher backlash than what I'm used to."

Shura finished as her flush face returned as well as a change in her eyes.

"What skill did you use, Shura and what do those Purified Blood Orbs do?" I asked as Shura consumed another Purified Blood Orb.

"It's my Vampire Knight berserk skill that makes me go into a frenzied feeding of slaughter while my Purified Blood Orbs help to counteract it but at the same time is an aphrodisiac. But like I said earlier, since Roland was stronger than I thought, the backlash of my berserk skill increased because normally I needed to consume five at most and even out." Shura explained before she consumed three more Purified Blood Orbs.

"But I've consumed at least more than twenty of these Purified Blood Orbs and the side effects haven't changed in the slightest. Then I remembered what the Moon Goddess told me before I was summoned to this world."

Shura smiled an enchanting smile as she slowly started to approach me with a flushed face and a deep desire in her eyes.

"One day, you will witness a symphony of destruction above a powerful Kingdom where you and another must come to a decision that will change your entire lives." Shura stopped right in front of me as she pulled out an old looking inscribed dagger from her Inventory and handed it to me with an intense stare.

I hesitated to take the dagger as I remembered what happened the last time I did, but for an odd reason I reached out and accepted the dagger from Shura. But just as I did the dagger immediately started to turn to dust as the intensity in Shura's eyes changed to one of shock.

I was about to apologize but just as I was about to say something I noticed that Shura's eyes changed back to one of intense desire as the most loving smile formed on her face as tears fell down her face.

"I'm free, I'm finally free from that bitch of a Moon Goddesses curse!" Shura cried out in joy, screaming into the sky.

I could only smile as I witnessed the look of happiness on Shura's face, but again just when I was about to say something she turned to face me with unhidden intentions on her face.

"Being free from her curse isn't what makes me the happiest Bastion, it's that I can finally be with the one whom I'm meant to be with." Shura spoke in a slightly husky as the next thing I knew was that I was on the ground with Shura straddling my waist.

"My husband and Liege Lord, the one who set me free."

Shura finished as she sealed her lips with mine with hunger.