Chapter 11

" Shut up, say another word and I'll kill you for real."

" Awwww how cute, my little sister is threatening to kill me how long has it been mhhh, maybe 3 days, sigh how time flies."

"If that's all, I'm hanging up."

" How long are you gonna obsess over him, my little sister. It's been what, 5 years and yet he's still not even tried to find you or even call you. I get it I really do you never forget your first love but it's time to move on, there are bigger and hotter fish in the sea...."

" Let me stop you right there, One Fuck you, two you don't know what you're talking about, Three he will be the only guy I ever love and four look who's talking you 50-year-old virgin. Now if there's nothing else goodbye."

" HEY THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR...hello, Dammit she hung up." She looked through the window of the hotel and called again but she just hung up and blocked the call.

" Sigh, I'm only trying to help, why do you have to be so grouchy about it. When are you going to get over that crush of yours."


London: Birmingham 10:38 Pm

Somewhere in a dark and dingy alley, two women can be seen taking a walk. They were both very beautiful and strangely enough wearing maid outfits.

Though that didn't stop a couple of drunk road men from approaching behind and in front, blocking their way of escape.

" Look what we have here a couple of fit birds. What's your name little ting. " One of them asked looking the girls up and down clearly thinking of sexual things in his disgusting no Gcse looking head of his.

The taller one of the maids looked around and smiled finding the situation quite hilarious." Sorry boys, but we're on holiday plus you are not my type. So why don't you guys run along and go back to whatever council house you live in." She said with a sweet smile on her face. The other woman stayed silent, while she had a strong grip on her umbrella. Ready for a confrontation.

"Common, Don't be like that. Don't tell me you wouldn't enjoy it. It's big yuno. Bet you tings wouldn't have felt anything like it." Another one said looking eager to just grab one of them and do it already. In their heads, these girls were as good as there's tonight. The alcohol and weed screwed up their judgement, though it looks like this wasn't the first time they've done this. That was when the quiet maid spoke.

" Four Meat bags, 3 of them are armed with knives, 1 of them with a machete. I can take care of them in less than 10 seconds. It's your call."  She said quietly to her companion. Her fellow maid just smiled but didn't say anything.

" Yo fuck this Man You bitches are coming with us, scream if you want to ill just slap those annoying mouths up."

" What did you just call us." The taller Maid, asked, clearly not as amused as before.

" I said You bitches are coming with us unless you want me to Wet both of you right here." As he said that he pulled out the knife he had concealed.

" I see, do it."

" So you wanna die then." He asked coming towards her not knowing she wasn't talking to him but to her companion.


Before any of the men could react The smaller maid Pressed a button on the umbrella, unlocking a mechanism. She unshaved the sword umbrella and swiped the knife away before performing a roundhouse kick to his chin, instantly knocking him out. The other 3 were shocked but quickly reacted and tried to pull out their knives but because they were drunk their Senses were slower.

After she dealt with one of them she quickly turned around and targeted the one with the Machete.

She jumped and used the wall as leverage and brought her knee to his nose and broke it.


While he fell on his back she fell on top of him and punched him in the sternum Nocking the wind out of him. She then swiped her leg performing a back heel Sweep kick. Taking care of the third person.

The last guy was now pissing himself. But he didn't want to just run away which was clearly the best choice. So he grabbed her from behind immobilizing her hoping his friend on the floor can deal with her while she can't move.

" I Got You, you bitch, quickly stab her so we can get out of here."

"Ohhh Wrong move, Sigh I pray for you and your two little friends." The taller maid looking at the Roadman's actions sighed.

The maid who was grabbed stilled for a moment. Her monotone look from before was replaced with rage. She brought her foot up performing a perfect split. Then a blade at her shoe heel retracted.

The guy on the floor had wide eyes knowing what was about to come. With all her strength she swung her foot down and around targeting his...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, MY BALLS" His scream was so loud that it woke up the neighbours in the area.

The man let her go and immediately and grabbed his balls but that just made it worse. The guy on the floor pissed his pants seeing his friend's balls be executed.

Then the maid looked at him.' No, don't tell me.'

" No I'm sorry please let me go, I swear it wasn't my idea it was there's, I I...." Sadly for him, he was shown no mercy Either.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, MY BALLS" His scream was so loud that it woke up the neighbours twice. Someone called the police because of it so now the police were on their way. But the two girls were long gone before they made it and took the Boys to the hospital. Their injuries, A broken nose, 3 broken ribs a cracked toe and 8 stabbed testicles.


" Not bad though that was around 12 seconds. Looks like after this Vay Kay were gonna have to start training again."

" Your right, I do feel a little sluggish."

" Alright, then where is our next destination, Freya."

"It's Paris, I've already booked us two seats on the Eurostar, from St. Pancras international station in London to Gare du Nord station in Paris. The journey should be around 3 hours."

" Paris...I see that's where we first met master, isn't it? It would be nice to go there again. Alright, let's go then.

" Umu"( ̄ω ̄)

(Maid pics)


" So this is Mystic falls huh, pretty nice town." Ogun said as he stood in the middle of town.

As he was admiring the landscape something quite familiar reached his peripherals.

" The mystic grill, wonder what the food is like." Wanting to satisfy his curiosity he walked toward the restaurant hoping for a good bite to eat.