Pretty blues.

Ginny was in dilemma if she raised her head, then it would be really troublesome for her but she couldn't just stare at the ground when someone was helping her out by picking her glasses and handing them to her, if she did something so rude as that her etiquettes wouldn't allow her to forget this incident ever again. But when she compared the two situations and came to two different conclusions, she decided that being taken as a rude woman was still better than getting another stalker.

So, she took the glasses from the man who was standing in front of her without raising her head and nodded her head as she couldn't open her mouth and let the man hear her speak. Putting on her glasses, she raised her head to finally take a look at her saviour and was surprised to find that there were two of them—— the man who helped her look for her glasses had a mop of blonde hair and green eyes, like the sea—— she saw many years ago before coming to this wasteland, he had impish features like that of an elf and looked pretty cute.

But he wasn't the one who attracted her attention, it was the one who was sitting on top of the horse, with hair as black as the midnight, and silver eyes like the silvery moonlight with an earring the shape of an anchor and multiple rings in his hands and on his left hand was a glaring red cross—— the mark of a traitor.

Stupefied she hurriedly lowered her head, she didn't know who the man was but if he had the red cross mark on his hand then it meant he did something sinful against the Royal family. Though Ginny had no love for the Emperor or his family, she didn't want to get involved with a treacherous man.

Even without him, she had bigger messes to take care of.

The man with impish features felt it was such a pity that the girl lowered her head, she had such pretty blue eyes. The most beautiful one that he has ever seen. (a/n: I know what it says, you will get an explanation later on teehee)

" Keith come back here," said the man on the horse, his eyes looking at Ginny with a complicated glint. " I don't want you touching anything that you shouldn't be touching, who knows what she might be carrying. You know how it is with the mutts of this wasteland, not one of them is good."


' Don't want him touching what he shouldn't?

Ginny's eyes narrowed as she raised her head and glared at the man who was sitting on his high horse, how dare he! How dare he call her a mutt! She would agree that most of the people living in the wasteland were either murderers or criminals but there were some who were innocent like her!

" Oh, so you do know how to get angry." chuckled the black-haired man as he placed his hand in front of his mouth, his fingers curled in a seductive arch which might have caused many women to faint. " I thought that you just knew how to bow your head and look at the ground like a little mutt."

If she could Ginny would have slapped the man right across his face, so what if he had filthy money with a handsome horse and clothes that were woven from the finest silk—— he was still a jerk and a rude one at that! She looked around and tried to look for the bag that she carried with her, in her scuffle with Lawrence it fell off her shoulder a bit far away.

She didn't have to look for her bag for long, she soon spotted it and took out a paper and quill before scribbling on the paper furiously. Once she was done, she turned the paper toward the man who was making fun of her.

'I am not a mutt' said the first paper and as she turned it around to show the next one the man's eyes widened as he mouthed. ' But you are a jerk!'

"Pfft, hahaha!" The elfish looking man called Keith laughed out loud but then his laughter came to a sudden stop when the man on the horse glared at him. Under the glare of that imposing man, he raised his hand as he cleared his throat. "I am sorry, it was just my first time seeing a woman call you a jerk —— after all the high talks of reeling women with just one curl of your finger you have done—- you have to admit it's a bit funny."

Of course, it was funny, but not for the man who was the one who was the butt of the joke.

" If you are done laughing, then we will be leaving," said the man in an imposing manner as he swept his gaze towards Ginny and curled his lips in a wicked sneer. " And you, young lady, you better keep that paper away because I can be more than a jerk if you push me too much."

Though satisfied, Ginny put the paper away before scribbling on another one but this time she wasn't writing for the man but for Keith who still had traces of a smile on his face. Turning the paper towards him, she bowed.

" Ah, there is no need." Keith waved his hands, having read the paper on which the little girl has written 'Thank you', he smiled awkwardly. " I didn't help much anyway——" while speaking he would often take a peek at those jewel-like eyes that were shimmering like the water of the sea.

Sigh, how can someone's eyes be so pretty?

However, before he could take more appreciating glimpses, his friend called to him in a foul mood. " Are we living or not? I am telling you if we can't hunt a deer, then I will roast you as my dinner tonight! Bumbling fool! If peeking at her eyes fills your stomach, you stay here. I will hunt the deer on my own!"

Then without waiting for Keith, he turned around and clopped away.

Keith who was thrown under the carriage by his friend blushed as he stammered. "It's not like that… I just think you have very pretty blue eyes."

' Oh, so they are blue now.' Ginny thought inwardly as she smiled and wrote 'it is alright' on the paper and showed it to Keith, it was a good thing that she wore her glasses or else —— she would have been hunted down once again.

" Umm, thanks… No, I mean, I will be taking my leave now!" After bidding his goodbye, Keith got on his horse with skilled precision and rushed after his friend, leaving Ginny alone, who took a sigh of relief.