Mommy is doing it for you honey.

A/n: Do not jump on conclusions, the rest is still being written.

Before Ginny could say anything Duke Terranova pushed her behind him silently urging her to hide, then before she could even understand anything, he burned all the notes that she has written and even wiped the ashes clean. Now, she could sense his urgency, if the Duke was anxious enough to hide her presence, it was better for her to do as he said but just as she was looking for an excellent place to hide, she heard the click of the lock opening from outside and she lunged under the table of the Duke without even thinking twice wondering how Madam Regina was able to enter the study without the permission of the Duke.

The Duke must have been wondering this too because a second later after she heard the click-clack of the heels she heard him say, " What are you doing here, I haven't given you permission to trespass my study or any of my space."

Ginny sucked in a breath after listening to his cold voice, it was devoid of every attachment as if he wasn't talking to his mother but a monster that he despised with his entire existence.

The sound of Madam Regina's tittering laugh echoed in the silent room, Ginny who wanted to know what was happening, looked around the room and that was when she saw the reflection of madam Regina carrying a tray with a teapot and two teacups on the window behind the chair of the duke. Fortunately, the window only reached the top of the table and didn't show her reflection, or else Ginny would have become snake food by now, after all, Madam Regina did warn her not to get close to her son, no matter what.

Madam Regina placed the tray with the tea and snacks on the table and then turned to look at her son with eyes that were devoid of any motherly warmth. " Akris, my dear… you are as rude as ever. What do you mean, how did I come inside the room?" She raised her hand and cupped Duke Terranova's cheek harshly, harsh enough to leave the marks on her nails as she dug the tips of her nails into his skin. " I am your mother, Akris. There is not a single place in this palace where I cannot enter unless you forcefully stop me from entering… and you will do that only when you are hiding something from your dear mother."

Her cooing voice was so terrible that Ginny felt her goosebumps rise all over her skin. She hurriedly lowered her head even more worried that she would be caught by this crazy woman.

The Duke shoved her hand away from his cheek and then took out his handkerchief before wiping the blood off his face. He didn't say anything to Madam Regina and walked around his table and sat down on his chair. His leg did a little twitch when he felt a sudden warmth being caged between his legs, with a furtive glance he looked down and almost face palmed, of all places this maid actually hid under his table? Why not just hand over head to his mother directly?

Seeing her stupidity, he was sure that she neither had the brains nor the guts to assassinate him, much less be in cahoots with the crown Prince. That guy will never waste his time on such a blundering fool.

" I am not hiding anything from you, mother," said Duke Terranova as he nursed his eyes with his fingers. " I was doing an important job until you knocked on the door."

Now that the Duke was sitting in front of her, Ginny could no longer see what was going on anymore but she did hear the rustling of papers and then following it came Madam Regina's voice, " Oh I see, a plan to take the life of that bastard? It's great, maybe if he is out of the line you will have a chance to become the crown prince."

An exasperated sigh left the Duke's lips as he clasped his fingers and placed them on the tabletop. " I am not doing it to become the crown prince, mother." The word 'mother' was as dry as a meatloaf that has gone stale for a week, Ginny once ate that when there was nothing in the house after soaking it in the water and believe her it tasted really bad. " I am just sending out a greeting to my brother and nothing more——"

A splash echoed in the study and Ginny winced as scalding hot tea fell on her arms but she didn't dare to gasp out loud in pain in fact compared to the Duke who faced the full brunt of the hot tea that was splashed on his face, Ginny was certain that her pain was nothing compared to his.

She stared at the Duke who was sitting calmly as if nothing happened to him, he breathed in and out then went to take a handkerchief out of his pocket when Madam Regina's whip-like voice stopped him. " Who said that you can wipe it off? Did I tell you that you can?" Ginny felt her heart shiver when she heard Madam Regina's sweet as honey voice, maybe it was her imagination but she could sense it in Madam Regina's voice that she was even happier than before. " I sacrificed so much to give birth to you, all because I wanted to be the Empress and now you are saying that you do not have any intention of becoming the Crown Prince? Since when did my son become such a fool?"

Then Ginny heard Madam Regina's heels click against the marble floor and then she saw a slender, fair arm reaching out to touch Duke Terranova's face as she whispered, " Mommy is doing this for you, Akris…. You might not understand the love of your mother right now but one day you will, when you sit on the throne as the Emperor and rule all over the Empire."

" And if I don't?" asked the Duke with an emotionless face.

Seeing his actions even Ginny felt her heart jump to her throat, why was he pushing Madam Regina when he knows what she can do? Was he out of his mind?

Sure enough, as soon as he said those words, Madam Regina's hand snuck up and slapped him mercilessly, " Then I am afraid Akris, you will never be able to escape my grasp, right honey?"

Ginny thought that she has seen the worst but then she watched in horror as Madam Regina's fingers trailed down and she rubbed the pad of her thumb on the Duke's lips. " You want to be free don't you honey?"