Poisoned cuff links

"Duke?" startled by his actions of holding her wrist out of nowhere and for no reason at all, Ginny turned to look at the man who was silently sitting in his chair. Her gaze drifted to his red eyes that were filled with undiluted yet controlled violence and sucked in a breath before taking in the number of glass bottles that were littering on the floor, next to Akris's feet. " You have been drinking since the morning?" 

She was shocked that he was able to sit upright after drinking for an entire day, hell if it was her she would have already spit out blood. How was he fine after drinking wine like he was gulping down water —— she looked down at the floor and counted the number of bottles before letting out a soft gasp, "Twenty-one? You drank twenty-one bottles?"

Akris didn't say anything, he just kept holding on to her wrist before tipping his head to the chair that was in front of him. " Please take a seat."