In need of money

" You want to take on extra shifts?" parroted Akris, the plan was pretty simple since she needed extra money to buy the freaking herb that was being sold at an exorbitant price but this simple plan of her came with a lot of troubles. Firstly, she didn't have the extra money to buy it, in two hundred gold coins she can run her household for like a month or so and secondly, she also needed other things except that herb to take care of her father. It wasn't like she can just throw the entire month's salary on a single herb and then leave her father to go hungry and whatnot, can she? So, here she was asking to take on extra shifts but unfortunately for her, she didn't receive a green light from Greta, instead she was sent here to have a little chat with Akris as to whether or not she can have an extra shift or not.