Lets play ball

Alexis cried for a long time but even then Ginny didn't turn impatient with him, she softly coaxed him until his loud sobs became soft hiccups, only then did she place him down on the bed. " Stay here I will treat your wounds," she said as she pointed to the wounds on his back. 

The little boy nodded before he slumped on the bed and closed his eyes, Ginny knew that he wasn't asleep but instead he was in so much pain that he couldn't summon the strength to keep his eyes open.  His bloody wounds were like a heart-wrenching sight, she could have just treated his wounds with ointments and whatnot before bandaging them but she didn't like the thought of Alexis suffering in pain for the rest of the week, though the blood of a mage was strong enough to make sure that wounds like these would get healed in a week or two Alexis was such a young child, even if she wanted to turn a blind eye to his wounds it was impossible for Ginny to do so.