Seeing the dead again

There were very few things that Ginny was scared of—— the end of the world, the death of her father and the words that the Crown prince is looking for her. These three sentences were like doom knocking on her door, for two seconds she didn't even know how to respond, all she did was stare at Keith before she shook her head, " That's impossible, he couldn't have possibly known about me." 

" How can you be certain about it?" asked Keith as he thrust the last page of the letter into her hands and added, "It's clearly written here that the crown prince is looking for you, so how can you say that he can't possibly know about you?" 

Ginny frowned as she read the last paragraph that was summing up the entire letter before licking her lips. " Because my father made sure that my mother would never take my name much less tell anyone about me, if she does then she will be in so much pain that she would wish she died."