The head of a banshee

Ginny watched in mesmerising stupefaction as Akris strode to the door of the library and placed his hand on the lock of the door. He didn't need a key or anything else to open the door, the second he placed his hand on the door, it drummed with magical energy and the entire bronze door lit up with golden energy seeping through the many vines that were carved on it. 

With a click, the door's lock opened and Akris pushed the door open with a slight push of his hand. He turned his head to look at Ginny, who was standing next to him and arched a brow, " Aren't you going to come in?" 

There was nothing else she could do, he wanted her to follow him and would definitely say something unpleasant if she was to ignore his order. With a sigh, she clasped her hands in front of her and followed after Akris heading inside the library with an air of a sacrificial lamb.