Please big brother

Ginny stared at the cat-shaped bomb in her hands, she really couldn't understand why Alexis had to make the bomb in the shape of a cat and it wasn't until she asked him did she found out that the bomb was actually created in the shape of a  wolverine but for some reason, it ended up being a cat. She didn't want to disappoint Alexis therefore under the pressuring gaze of the young boy she placed the bomb in her pocket and then bowed to him before walking out of the room. 

Alexis waited for Ginny to leave before he pushed the door open and looked left and right making sure that no one was there only then did he rush out of his room. His clean shoes smacked against the floor making a sharp pitter-patter noise as he ran past the maids and the butler before taking a sharp turn to the right and heading straight to the main building of the Terranova mansion when he knocked into an elderly woman.