But not that amazing

" Ah that was so nice," the elderly woman burped as she patted her chest and looked at Ginny with her lips curled in a content smile. " I have been hungry for a long time, this was much needed do you know that?" 

" If you are done can I leave now?" Ginny has been watching the old woman gobbling one sandwich one after another, she brought her at least twenty of those in hope that the elderly woman will eat ten now and eat the remaining at night but the woman ate everything in one go. " I have been sitting here for a long time and I came here with someone, I don't think it's good manners for me to make that person wait, right?" 

" Oh wait, wait…wait!" The elderly woman patted her dark cloak that had a butterfly embroidered on it searching for something, Ginny raised a brow and waited just as the elderly woman asked her to, after all, she has already fed the elderly woman she might as well hear what she has to say to her.