Creature of sea

She didn't want her instincts to win over her and that was why she had no plans of going to the ball and dancing, when the Duke asked her to accompany him to the ball, she already told him that she wouldn't be dancing and he has agreed but Greta asked her to be the partner of the young master and even learn dance, doesn't that mean she wanted her to dance with Alexis in the upcoming ball?

No, she has to think of a way to stay in control and not give into the wild instincts of a siren, she would be fine as long as she didn't let the symphony get to her. As for enjoying a ball, there might be a day when she would be able to enjoy it without restriction, all she needed to do was to find a good man and truly fall in love with him, as long as she gives her heart to a man in every sense she will be able to enjoy her life like a normal woman.