Whose duty is it in the laundry room?

" Who wouldn't?" The head chef, Patrick rolled his eyes as he picked up a buttering knife and started buttering up a toast for Ginny as he placed it on her plate before picking up another. " I am telling you if she was my niece, I would have packed her bags and sent her straight back home, she is that disappointing as a person, Madam Greta is nice enough to withstand her antics, I bet if she doesn't get hold of her niece soon then that abomination of a child will surely create a big trouble for Madam Greta." 

From what Patrick said Ginny could understand that he too seemed to have picked up Hayley's feelings for the Duke. Though she understood why Hayley was pinning after the Duke, he was one handsome and fine man, even she was affected by his godly handsome face when she first arrived at the mansion but he was only good as an eye candy or a one night stand, she hardly believed that any woman who married him would have an easy life.