Know your position, if I ask you to dance, you will have to dance

" Really?" Madam Regina chuckled nastily as she glanced at Ginny with a contemptuous smile. " I was just casually asking, I thought it was nothing but rumours turns out that you were indeed working as a lowly entertainer what a shame," she covered her cheek and then feigned concern as she asked, " I wonder if Akris knows that he has chosen such an entertainer as Alexis's maid,  who knows what kind of tricks and tips she might have learned in that small inn, what if she uses it on Alexis?" 

" I was just responsible for singing at the inn, my lady and that too with the help of this magical brooch, I only sang for a few days before I quit the job for good, other than that I have never indulged myself in any other way," Ginny replied slightly affronted that madam Regina was making her sound like some low-class hooker.