
"It's a good thing that you are here," said Greta as she pushed the food trolley towards Ginny and breathed heavily. " I was trying to make young master Alexis come out of the room but he seemed to have gotten even more stubborn in the past few days.  Now he no longer hears a thing that I am saying …" as she said this, Greta heaved a sigh before turning to look at the door of Alexis's room. "It's good that he is willing to show his emotions more but him doing this would only make things difficult for him, Ginny make sure that you have him eat his dinner. We can't leave him alone, after all, we know just how weak young master Alexis really is." 

Ginny couldn't help but feel that Greta was sort of complaining to her. Did the old woman know something was why she was acting like with her? 

But that wasn't possible if Greta knew that she was a siren, surely she would have done something more than just complain right?