I and Scarlet went close to the direction of the Chimeras in stealth so as not to be detected by them, because they are like hounds when it comes to smelling out a living being. I crunched and placed my palm to the ground as if am feeling out vibrations but.

"Why aren't we attacking?" She asked.


"Great..." She grunts. "You are always good at shunning me."

"Seismic eolas." I murmured as I kept my fingers to the ground.

I connected with the earth as my fingers ran through the soil. I scanned the entire region and noticed that those eight Chimeras were nothing but a trap, there are other massive amounts of Chimeras heading from north.... Stealth.

"Impossible..." I murmured.

"What is it.?" Scarlet asked me.

I turned and looked at her in the eyes

"We should head north." I told her, managing to compress my surprise.

"Why?" She asked.

"We need to head there now." I told her and began to move towards north.

"Why can't you just explain to me.?" She asked.

"I will explain later." I said as I continued running.

"Ughhhh..." She grunts. "You're such a pain."

"Seriously?" I turned to look at her.

"Rush Accel." She said as her gears sparked red.

Now I see why they named her Scarlet, she loves anything that has the colours of red on it.

Before trying to stop her from using her powers she dashed at me using one of her attack base spell, speed. One thing am allergic to.

She picked me up and moved very fast that my vision could only catch the passer-by trees..... Few of them though and I almost choked and my eyes began to spin, the one question that was running through my mind was.

"How could she see where she's going?"

After several minutes of jumping, running, spinning, and so on and so forth. We arrived..... Finally.

She dropped me as I landed with a thud on the ground. I could barely get up for I was constipated and out of breath, not a word came out of my mouth.... Not even a grunt. Few seconds later, air knocked into my lungs and I gasped, and coughed and.....

"What is this?" She asked.

"Surprised." I suddenly spoke without lifting my head.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She whispered... With haste though.

"Well... What do you know." I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"You knew and you never said a thing?" She gripped my collar.

"If I had told you... Would you have followed me?" I said. "You would have chickened out."

"Of course I would have." She almost yelled.

"Careful.... Chimeras are sensitive." I whispered.

She stiffened as if she's cold, as I managed to crack a smile.

"And you're smiling about this." She asked shakily.

I looked into her eyes and noticed she was scared as hell, I pitied her and blamed myself for letting her come with me in the first place.

"Go." I said.

"Huh." She looked at me with surprise.

"You're free to go." I told her. "Besides I was supposed to do this alone.... So you can go."

"How can you handle this much Chimeras?" She asked with concern in her voice.

"Not that you cared but I've been doing this for long." I said.


She was about to say something but I had to figure out a way to let her go back.

"Not another word from you." I said with harshness. "Besides you're too spoilt and pampered to do the hard work.... You wanna become strong? This is it but if you're not ready to face this things you can go."

There was silence for a while, I loosened her grip stood up to wipe the dirt off my clothes. She stood looking at me with pains written in her eyes but what troubles me was that why'd she care to stay with me, is it because she wanna become strong or is there something else.

"Not that I have worth in your eyes... But am just a tool you can use and dump." She yelled back. "Do you think I don't know what we up against.?"

"We're done here." I said as I walked away.

"No we're not." She grabbed my arm.

I looked behind her to see Chimeras where approaching for they had heard and perceived us, she has to go before it gets bad for both of us

"They've found us..." I looked into her eyes. "You have to go."

"Why are you disposing me." She asked. "Is it because of what happened.... If it is am so sorry but just don't push me away."

"You don't understand." I said.

"Make me." She hits my chest.

I shouldn't be doing this but I had to do it for her to feel at ease, I lifted my hands.... Dropped it.... Lifted it again.... Then dropped it before I lifted my hand, used my fingers to lift her face to look at mine. Though I felt a tingle in my cheek, I shouldn't be doing this but it was the only way to let her go.

"Do you trust me?" I asked her, she nodded. "Then go... I can't protect you and myself at the same time and besides they are all A and B ranked Chimeras.. You're not up for it."

The Chimeras were closer than before and she was letting go off my shirt, I looked ahead and walked past her as her head bowed.. Maybe she's sobbing inside but I don't care for it doesn't matter to me, I need a clear head to do this and not think of a way to save another skin in this fight... Because it's going to be a rough one.

"Be careful." She whispered. "And promise me you will come back."

I stood for a while as if I was struck by lightning or as if my heart has just melted, I turned to see tears in her eyes but... I managed to crack a smile to ease her.

"I will... That's a promise."

No it's not... Am about to die and am promising someone that I would return.... Jeez.

Anyways.... She left though.

I felt the ground was vibrating vigorously, they are too close now... So this is it for me now.

"Ifrit... Healer.... Are you set?" I spoke to my gear... And it beeped. "Begin boost."

With those words I dashed towards the Chimeras to draw their attention from Scarlet's location.

"Ouroboros.... Lend me a hand." I said and my gear beeped again.

A Chimera charged at me sending a plasma cannon at me, I halted with my right feet toward lifting my hands up in the air as water-like energy surge through my hands.

"Ouroboros." I yelled and punched the ground.

A blue plasma spherical wave spread out of my body pushing everything back... Including the Chimeras of course.

I stood up and looked at the mess I have done and smirked... Damn.... Am a destructive agent.

The Chimeras stood up and roared in rage as they charge towards me again... But I began to wonder how these Chimeras got such a plan to set an ambush.... They are getting smart.

"Boost complete." Healer said

"Transfer it to ifrit." I whispered.

My gear beeped.

"Transfer complete." Healer said.

"Am so charged up." Ifrit yelled.

I moved my left arm close to my face as it began to shine.

"Ifrit... S.U.M mode." I yelled.

My gear shined so bright that the Chimeras couldn't bear looking at it, they screeched heavily.

A red spell circle with a little fire came out of my gear and went on top of me, then it moved to my feet before it began to move again to the top spinning... The more it went up, the more I transformed into Ifrit. (Ifrit is like a minotaur with burning horn).

I lifted my head as my blue flame burnt intensively and looked deep into the Chimeras eyes as they began to march towards me again.

"Bring it on." I said and smirked.

I hopped really high up into the sky spinning in the mid air and aimed for the middle.... Men.... These Chimeras are many.... Much more than I thought, before dropping down there.

Knowing what Ifrit's ability is, I focused my flame to my arms as I go down to the middle I punched the ground and it flare force destroyed many in the spot. Another came behind me spat a green substance at me.... Looking at it alone makes my body glitch with irritation but I knew that venom would be bad for business so I hopped again to the far end as I watch the venom hit another Chimera, melting it in the process.

That would have been me.... Good thing Ifrit can hop higher than normal. I landed with a knee to the ground, like a protagonist would do in an action movie.... Screw this.... I got up slowly and turned majestically to see more are heading towards me while others head towards the continental base... Damn. I really hope that Scarlet has really gone far enough for me to finish off these Chimeras once and for all.

"Ifrit.... Let's get Apocalypse on the way." I spoke to my gear.

"Roger." Ifrit answered.

"Together.... Now." I said.

I crossed my arms over my chest as I ascend up into the sky as if I had wings all the while my flame turned from normal to crimson... After getting to the point I wanna be before performing the technique, I looked down to see a swarm of Chimeras... Damn....

"That's alot." Ifrit said.

"Yes... It is."

I released my hands and stretched it downward as a circle with writings came out of my arms... Another Summoning circle with spell large enough to my content drew on the ground... Making sure I made a perfect shot I waited for the last to step in before I lifted my left arm up towards the sky....

Lightning and fire engulfed that vicinity and everything within the circle exploded. The sight was like an atomic bomb dropping in a field filled with hydrogen gas.

It lasted for few seconds before it stopped and I dropped down to the ground and landed with a knee as the smoke from my spell began to fade in small scale.

"Alright Ifrit.... We're done." I said.

I transformed back to my human form as I stood up and stretched... Damn.... That was alot of stress and work. I stuck my arm into my pocket and brought out a lollipop, gracefully opened it and stuck it into my mouth... With that done I stuck both arms into my pocket and turned around, I was about to head back to base when something caught my eyes and turned swiftly to see.. It disappeared.

"Was it me or did I just see a specter." I murmured.

"Let's check it out." Seismic suggested.

I thought about it for a while but changed my mind for I was tired and drained... Like seriously drained.

"Nah..." I replied. "I better head back."

As I was about to move my feet I saw Scarlet was staring at me with surprise in her eyes and her lips into smile of relief...