Chapter 17

After a couple of hours, I finished reading all the remaining books. And even those that I found in the city, since I managed to return them to normal.

The books were thick and mostly filled with water, and very little text was given to important information, but what I wanted to know, I found out.

It's good that among the Magic Items I sorted earlier were Gale-Force Reading Glasses, which increased reading speed by 18 times. It's only a second-rate version, but they were very useful to me. I didn't have to spend all day reading.

In general, everything is in order. As I mentioned a couple of chapters ago, the first book was about the Armor of the King of the Seas. The book described the history of their creation, production materials, enchantments applied to them and general abilities.

For my taste, there was too much text in the book devoted to praising the creator of the armor, as well as stories when various Chosen of the Sea used the Armor in their battles. Anyway.

The armor was created in X233, for the Second Chosen of the Sea. The creator was some mysterious super talented Master Blacksmith and Enchanting Master, whose name was not mentioned, although there were enough praises for his genius. Although, apparently, he was quite famous in the world.

Only it is not clear how he knew the Enchantment Magic. It seemed to me that it was Irene Balserion who created this Magic, but it seems that it existed 100 years before her life. Maybe she just recreated it, who knows.

In general, this blacksmith came to Atlantis for the sake of Aquamarine, since he heard about this metal and wanted to study its properties and create his new masterpiece from it. But, upon arrival on the archipelago, the blacksmith got into trouble and another heroic epic happened, led by the Chosen One of the Sea.

That island, for some unknown reason, was attacked by an extremely powerful Magic Creature whose strength was comparable to the weakest Dragon King. It was a giant Sea Serpent, just like some Jormungandr. But, it was definitely not a Dragon, but a snake.

As a result, having learned about the catastrophe, the Second Chosen immediately arrived on the island and after several days of battle, he killed the Serpent and emerged victorious. Although it looks like he barely survived.

Then, The Second saved the blacksmith almost at the last moment, and following his pride as a Master Blacksmith, he made a worthy gift to the Chosen One as a thank you for saving his life. The blacksmith saw that the Chosen did not have equipment worthy of his strength, so he decided to create it personally, and at the same time work with Aquamarine, for the sake of which he actually arrived on the island.

The materials for the creation of the armor was, as is clear, Aquamarine, as well as the carcass of the deceased Sea Serpent. Since he was quite strong and had a strong connection to the water element, he was perfect for this.

Judging by what was written, everything went into action. And the bones, and the skin, and the core, and even the blood of the monster. From the skin they made an underarmor for the whole body. In fact, it was a spandex suit, like superheroes, which acted as the first layer of protection.

This underarmor was soaked in the blood of a monster and then dust from ground Lacrima was woven into its structure. All this was done to increase the protective, and not only, properties of the skin, as well as to give it magical characteristics. And later, it was all enchanted to the maximum.

'Damn, it's just a suit under the armor, and just reading the process of its creation, I learned a lot and I had a lot of ideas for experiments. The main thing is to remember it and not forget it.' - I thought distractedly.

So what am I talking about? Oh yes. The main armor was made from a mixture of Aquamarine and Sea Serpent bones. The blacksmith managed to create the perfect fusion of these two ingredients, which not only retained the properties of the magic metal, but also strengthened them, while adding a couple of new properties from the bones.

All materials for the armor was also soaked in the blood of the Serpent, with the dust from the Lachrima. As a result, it turned out thin and flexible, but incredibly strong silvery metal, with a blue tint.

Also, thanks to the bones and blood of the Sea Serpent, the armor received almost absolute protection from all Magic of the water and, for some reason, ice type. Plus, all fire-type magic is visibly weakened on its own, and that's without enchantments.

From this alloy, the main part of the armor was made. Although the most vulnerable parts of the human body, such as the neck and groin, the blacksmith strengthened with the help of another rare magic metal, very little was written about this. When the main form was ready, it was time to enchant.

And here this blacksmith went to the fullest and created a lot of cool abilities. The main source of energy for the armor was the core of the Sea Serpent, which, despite its small size, had tremendous strength and large reserves of energy.

The core was inlaid directly into the center of the armor's chest. Also, many other small Lacrimas were inlaid throughout the armor, which helped in distributing energy and enchantment throughout the armor itself.

The main focus of the spell, since it is primarily armor, of course, was towards protection. Hundreds, if not thousands, of enchantments have been placed on the armor, which increase its strength, durability, protective properties, and so on.

And if someone manages to damage the armor, a self-healing enchantment has been added to it, so that it will return to perfect condition after a while. Reading the entire list of defensive enchantments, I had to, no, I had to agree with all those praises in the book that praised the skill of the Blacksmith. This is truly amazing work.

But besides the protective charms, there were others. For example, the enchantment of binding to the owner. At the request of the Second Chosen, The blacksmith created an enchantment, thanks to which only those who could use the Take-Over Magic and take the Soul of Poseidon could wield the Armor of the King of the Seas.

It was an ideal option, since there was only one person in the world with the Soul of God Poseidon, and it was the Chosen of the Sea, to whom this armor was actually intended. Fortunately, when the Soul of Poseidon was lost with the death of the Fifth, the Sixth managed to find the person who changed the enchantment to link with the Soul of Arariel.

It's a good thing I read the books ahead of time, as it turns out the Armor would have rejected me until I got Arariel's transformation.

Another notable feature was the automatic defense enchantment. When the user is attacked and unable to defend themselves, the armor automatically creates a water shield that not only protects the user, but also deflects the attack back at the attacker. Marvelous.

Another interesting thing was the attack protection enchantment with the element of lightning. Due to the properties obtained from the Sea Serpent, the armor is most vulnerable to this type of attack, but the Smith corrected this by creating an enchantment that, when attacked by lightning, creates a thin layer of pure water that covers the entire body.

By pure water is meant purified water without any minerals, that is, distilled water, absolutely pure H20. Such water does not conduct electricity at all, so this water layer could nullify most lightning-based attacks. It is amazing that in such a world, and at that time, someone managed to think of something like this, and most importantly, to bring it to life.

Another cool enchantment combination allows the user to mentally control the Armor even when not wearing it. Essentially, the armor has limited artificial intelligence, which can execute simple commands "defend", "attack" and so on. And the armor will do everything by itself. This is some kind of Iron Man armor.

There were other interesting enchantments that I won't mention for now, but there were also household enchantments that just improved the use of armor. For example, auto-fit enchantments, cleanup enchantments, and so on.

In fact, this is a surprisingly chic armor. It contains a huge number of functions and abilities that will help anyone. I'm not sure if the same Ezra has armor that can compare to this.

But perhaps it could be better. No, I honestly like this armor, but there are details that I don't like. For example, its focus on the element of Water. And yet this is the armor of the Chosen of the Sea, and not personally mine.

I hope someday I will be able to achieve enough skill to change it to suit my taste. So, I told about the armor, now it's the turn of the ax.

Like I said, it's called Leviathan and it's really very similar in shape and design to the one that Kratos uses in his latest game, except that the materials are completely different.

Thanks to the book, I learned his story, but to tell the truth, I didn't learn much. In fact, the whole book was an epic about the youth of the Fourth Chosen of the Sea.

He was chosen as the next ruler of Atlantis when he was just a child, but he did not want to become king, so at the age of 16 he ran away and began to travel the world. And this book was the story of his adventures.

In fact, the reading was eerily fascinating and I was directly imbued. Even if this story took place in X301 - X310, I learned a lot about this world.

I won't retell everything, it doesn't matter now, but as a result, the future Fourth returned almost ten years after the escape, matured, wiser in experience, and with a clear conscience accepted his position, while bringing a one-handed ax, which later became another relic.

Unlike the Armor, the ax was not created specifically for the Chosen of the Sea, and the fourth one simply found it. Well, how simple, somehow this guy was brought to the far north, to the north pole, unexplored by the inhabitants of this world, located far north of the Gilten continent. I had never even heard of him before.

Un the end, it was there that the Fourth discovered Leviathan. As it is written in the book, he accidentally fell into the glacier and ended up in an ice cave, in which there was an ax. It was inserted into the cave wall and was waiting for its next owner.

Neither its origin, nor its creator, nor its early history is entirely known. Where did this ax come from, no one knew. The materials from which it is created are also unknown, but it seems to have been created from a single piece of some extremely strong blue crystal.

At first it seems that the ax is fragile, like glass, but in fact it is stronger than the alloy created by the Blacksmith for armor. In fact, nothing has been able to damage the ax so far, and even after so many battles, it is completely unharmed.

And the sharpness of the blade is also unmatched, since he can easily cut through the same armor quite simply. The book even says that thanks to the axe, Fifth was able to injure Acnologia, though not badly. True, I do not know if this is an exaggeration, but we'll see sometime.

The ax is even capable of cutting Magic, which is also a very useful power. The abilities of the ax itself were also unknown, and all owners had to learn them from personal experience. Luckily, the book provided a list.

It has an enchantment very similar to those on Thor's Mjölnir. Only its owner can lift the ax, for everyone else it is unbearably heavy. Also, the ax always returns to the hands of the owner, no matter how far he is. Plus, the continuation of this ability was the ability to control the ax mentally, as the owner pleased. Basically telekinesis, but only with this axe.

The main feature of the Leviathan is its magical conductivity, as well as the amplification of spells by about 20%. The ax works like a concentrator, like a magic wand.

Well, and the last thing is the ability to set various effects on the blade. When attacked, the ax can apply the effect of frostbite, poison, burn, and so on. There is also the ability to control the degree of sharpness of the blade.

These are all of the Leviathan abilities that the Chosen of the Sea have discovered in their 200 years of possession of this weapon. Perhaps there is something else, or maybe not, but the ax is really very good. I like it.

Luckily, the book contained instructions on how to tie an ax to you. In 200 years of inactivity here, the old binding has fallen off, so I can do it. It just needs blood. I'll do it when I get the armor.