10 years ago, on a bright summer day ; The high school teacher , Miss Cheng introduced two new students in the podium.
At that time , Mark have just been weaned off on puberty blockers and was now introduced testosterone.
It was like having his puberty when everyone was already done with theirs ; he was constantly irritable because his precious face will sometimes break out acne. The teacher unable to control his rebellious attitude put him at the front of the class so she can watch him properly.
That day he didn't know why but his eyes narrowed to the teenager on the wheelchair.
His eyes were blue and bright , his skin looked white like tofu , his lips were plump and red like apple , his hair was auburn in color but looked fiery red whenever sunlight get caught in it's strands, and he looked prim and proper in their school uniform.
Mark felt his heart skip a beat and he rubbed it irritably.
What was this feeling?
At that time he really was still a young and naive boy. He would think all day about this teenager and want to talk to him but everyone was always around him.
He chalked it all up as curiosity .
When the issues of the gossips and rumors started, it was at that time that those first feelings turned into an intense dislike and hatred.
The opposite of love was hate ; One would have to love first to hate ,In the end , perhaps Miss Angie was truly right.
You like Jason...
Mark felt his heart beating wildly and he rubbed his chest.
"I like Jason ?" he repeated as if it was a foreign word " This is what like feels like?"
They nodded their head simultaneously.
"I like Jason... I like Jason " his voice got louder attracting people gaze to their table " I like him so much my heart will die from overworking !!!"
"Yassssssssss "
He took a big gulp out of his drink and grabbed Sarah bag.
"You know , just because we are best friends doesn't mean there isn't something called boundaries.."
Mark pretended not to hear her and searched through her bag ; he brought out the phone and typed in the password ( her wedding anniversary). He went straight to contact and dialed cousin in law.
The phone rang out for a while before it was answered.
It was a young woman that answered the call.
"Hello ..."
Mark felt the world crashing around him.
Zixuan looked anxiously at Mark " Bon Choco what happened?"
The person that answered the phone seemed to be a foreign woman ; despite she spoke Mandarin fluently , her accent was still thick.
"Sarah, why are you so quiet? " The voice seemed a bit annoyed now " Did you fight with Sliver again? Jason isn't in a right state now so he can't pick up calls ..."
Mark finally lifted his heavy tongue "I am not Sarah... can I speak to Jason ?"
The voice paused then turn cynical " Oh it's you who broke Jason heart right ? Well F*ck you , He's no longer thinking of you and I am now his girlfriend..."
Mark couldn't hear it again ; he disconnected the call and broke into tears for the nth time that day.
It took a long time before they were able to calm him down ; Sarah tried to convince him that the girl was just playing a joke on him but he just can't believe it.
Jason phone was as precious as his life ; he never even let him touch it.
Mark drank his nth number of liquor and slammed the cup on the table; his eyes were red and swollen.
" Didn't he say he liked me since the first day ? What's with the shifting of affection as fast as eating rice cakes?!"
Zixuan was really itching to crawl through the laptop and hug his child "Don't worry , my next tour is in England; I'll find him out and beat him up !!"
Sarah rolled her eyes while patting Mark hair " He's where his power is the strongest , you can't even see him until he allows you to "
"What is he ? isn't he a doctor? The only person I can't meet in england are the royals ; and I don't think he's a prince "
Sarah only showed an odd smile and refused to pay him attention.
Yoona rubbed her cheek against Mark own in a bid to comfort him but he only kept crying thereby destroying her makeup with tears.
"Perhaps you should call again ; this time do a facetime , hear what he has to say "
Mark sniffed and called the phone again; this time it was picked up immediately.
Jason worried face appeared on the screen " Bon Choco I am so sorry about what Angela said; She is very vengeful and .... where are you and why are you crying?"
At the sight of the person that he have not seen in so many days ; Mark really wanted to cry but his eyes were starting to hurt , he could only make soft wuuuu sounds like an aggrieved puppy.
Jason eyes softened "Bon Choco...."
"Didn't you say you like me ? Didn't you say you like me a lot? " He sniffed loudly as if that would show his dissatisfaction " Didn't you say you wanted to date me ? Didn't you say you wanted to kiss me ?"
Sarah coughed loudly and signaled to the rest that they should leave ; Zixuan wasn't willing but alas he was limited to the laptop so he could only grumble as Sarah took him away.
"Bon Choco..."
"Well what I said that day was wrong ; I was panicking and I just blurt out the first thing that was in my head , I like you too ... I like you a lot , I want to date you , I also want to kiss you , I want to do couple things with you "
Even if Fate ties us together I will never like you !!!
Mark inwardly laughed at the irony ; Well things do change... and for the better .
Short drama by little Sunshine.
"Jason look at you , you look terrible !!!"
Jason rolled his eyes and pulled the blanket over his head ; he wasn't in the mood to entertain any visitors including his childhood friend Angela.
Angela seeing that the silly boy wasn't answering her ; mummer a ' bloody b*stard ' then went ahead to open the curtains.
Jason only burrowed himself tighter into the blanket.
"Grandma had to go for a meeting today so she called me and told me to come accompany you at home " She sat down on the foot of the bed and played with Jason open feet " Common now , talk to Mama "
Jason tossed the blanket heavily out of his face and thundered at her in English " You dyke can't even speak Mandarin properly , don't force it !!! it sounds awful in your mouth "
She raised her brow " You didn't come to check on your friend for 10 years so I learnt it in a bid to settle down in china and keep you company but this is what I get? "
"Just keep your bloody mouth shut !!!"
"Suddenly acting all British ehhh " She pounced on him and started to tickle him , at first Jason tried not to laugh later on he couldn't hold it and started wiggling his top half in her arms ; his eyes dripped tears.
From there he started crying and Angela sighed before putting him in her arms.
"I thought Men will be easy since girls aren't easy" She shrugged absent mindedly "Turns out I was wrong , both have serious issues "
"it's not his fault " Jason sniffed and buried his face tighter into her shoulders " You can't force people to change their orientation "
"So you were in love with a straight guy for 10 years... " She let out a bitter laugh " And I thought I was the only fool , fools make friends with each other "
"Shut it dyke "
"Common go take a bath , you stink like cheese "
Jason nodded gratefully and climbed into his chair to wheel to the bathroom.
However by the time he was done and was coming out , he heard her cursing into his phone.
"Heyyy " Jason snatched the phone from her " You know how I hate people touching my phone"
"He called "
"Who called "
"Straight guy "
There was a silence before Jason grabbed her wrist in panic.
"Did you curse at him ?!"
"I didn't..." She smiled mischievously when he let out a sigh of relief " But I lied that I was your girlfriend"
Jason wanted to cry " You are a lesbian !!! What does a lesbian want to do as my girlfriend !!!"
"Hey hey hey we dated once remember?"
"That was middle school and you duped me !!! "
"Ha ! those are the days "
"Just get lost before I run insane "
She laughed and stood up to leave ; there was a bounce in her step " I'll be in the kitchen eating pie ; make sure you put on some clothes... he will call back soon "
Despite he was still angry at Angela , he still put on some clothes ; he just put on his socks when his phone started to ring.
It was a facetime from Sarah.
Without thinking he answered the call and started to apologize.
" Bon Choco I am so sorry about what Angela said; She is very vengeful and .... where are you and why are you crying?"
Mark eyes was red and swollen ; he seemed to have lost weight and there were eye bags in his eyes; A random thought enter his head.
Could it be that Bon Choco also missed him ?
Jason couldn't help but soften "Bon Choco...."
"Didn't you say you like me ? Didn't you say you like me a lot? " He sniffed loudly as if that would show his dissatisfaction " Didn't you say you wanted to date me ? Didn't you say you wanted to kiss me ?"
Jason felt his heart going warmer and warmer; his nose felt sour and his throat was clogged. All of a sudden, he wished he could be there with Mark, even if it was just as a friend.
"Bon Choco..."
"Well what I said that day was wrong ; I was panicking and I just blurt out the first thing that was in my head , I like you too ... I like you a lot , I want to date you , I also want to kiss you , I want to do couple things with you "
For the first time , Jason could understand the feeling of shock that Mark felt that day. He opened his mouth then shut it , he opened his mouth again then shut it.
Confessing was really different from getting a confession.
Mark blinked " You don't like me anymore?"
Jason shook his head vigorously ; nooooooooo he still liked him , it was just that he didn't know what to say .
Should he act cool ? should he declare his undying love? should he just say okay?
A vein popped out of Mark forehead " Are you deaf , Jason Tang ?!"
"I am coming back home tomorrow " He blurted out and smiled at the look of relief on mark's face " I missed you , I want to see you ... I want to hold you"
Mark nodded " I miss you too; I want to see you too and I also want to hold you "
He wasn't willing to disconnect but in order to prepare for tomorrow , he have to start getting ready.
He put on his warmest clothes and went to the kitchen.
His grandmother have already come back from the meeting and was now having a discussion with Angela. They stared at him almost simultaneously.
Grandma sighed " Already going back?"
He nodded .
She knelt down and hugged him ; Jason took a long sniff of her perfume "I'll come visit during Christmas ; Eat well okay?"
As if it wasn't enough, he started saying lists of things she must remember to do.
"Make sure you take your medicine on time and don't let your crown fall off " He cupped his grandmother face and gave her a kiss on her wrinkly cheek " After all the Queen of England is to always be in grace "
She patted his head then let him go"Angela will drive you to our airport "
Angela sang a song scorning lovers then dropped him off at the airport ; she even escorted him to the entrance.
"When I have the time , I'll visit China "
"Bye dyke "
"Au revoir"
Bon Choco ... I am coming...