Ring Ring Ring Ring
"Damnit!!! It's just 5am in the morning !!" Mark shouted as he rolled on the bed but nothing seem to stop the noise ; he finally sat up drowsily and grabbed the alarm clock.
He didn't bat an eye as he flung it against the wall.
It was at that moment that Jason opened his eyes; He sat up so fast , Mark was worried he dislocated his waist.
"Bon Choco this is the 7th alarm clock you are destroying this week!!!" He looked as if he wanted to cry "You know what? Start sleeping in your room"
"Why should I sleep in my room when there's a live cuddle teddy bear just living downstairs?"
"Well I don't have enough money to spare for alarm clocks!!!"
"Aishhhh Don't be mad " He snuggled into his arms " Call me sweet names"
Jason mumbled about how mark got him hooked for 10 years and 3 months before wrapping his arms around him and hugging him.
It's been a month since the silly classmate and him have started dating; And honestly the relationship have been going as smoothly as a pink bubble dream.
Accompanying each other to work , sharing a room and the same bathroom , breaking his alarm clocks, watching animes together , cuddling , holding hands , kissing etc
They were so sweet that Miss Angie literally got a toothache. To show her dissatisfaction , she facetimed her best friend ; Aunty Chin xing right in front of them during their cuddle session
She dabbed her eyes with an handkerchief to add a dramatic flair.
"Chin xing ahhh young people this days know no shame ; Acting improper right in your parents house .. I didn't raise them properly , I was too lax on them "
Aunty Chin xing smiled through the phone ; her cute dimple peeked out shyly . At the background , noises of kids rang all over the place.
"You were more rebellious than Mark when you were younger "
"At least Momo trained me with the slipper " She sighed deeply and her eyes glimmered " I miss that woman "
"She's probably having tea with Shen GeGe in heaven"
Miss Angie shrugged and stretched her arms in a ' I don't know gesture '
"Miss Angie I am starting bottom surgery next month ; once I am done fully transitioning , I'll come back to China; this time the government will allow me to change my documents legally and I can be admitted into the same nursing home with you ..."
She let out a evil laugh; her voice was comical "Then we act like a lesbian couple and make Mark also get a toothache"
Miss Angie laughed along with her "You hear that Mark? My best friend will be coming soon "
"Be waiting for my arrival !"
"I will be waiting patiently as I have been doing for over 25 years ; don't worry I have picked the best nursing home for us "
"But first We will go dancing before we retire into the life of senior citizens; Let me break my hips at a club first before dancing at open spaces"
"Don't worry I got the right dress in mind already .... you still use a size L right?"
"I grew plump " Aunty Chin xing dabbed at her eyes when Miss Angie gasped in horror " Hormones is a b*tch "
Mark unconsciously nod his head.
The two chatted for a while before Miss Angie said goodbye and disconnected the call. She looked at the two cuddling in the sofa before giving a loud hmph and walking out.
The two would have cuddled forever on the bed if not for the lingering thought in their minds that It was a Monday.
Mark reluctantly pulled himself from Jason arms. He climbed down the bed before putting his arms around Jason's waist and back of knees.
"You like to carry me a lot Bon Choco ..."
Mark smiled and carried him against his chest; Jason flushed red and buried his head into mark's pyjamas shirt.
"It makes me feel like I am holding a bride " He lowered his head and gave Jason a big kiss on his cheek "And the early days at the gym and building muscles paid off ; let me flaunt it "
"Aiyaa just drop me on my chair and let's get ready for work "
"Yas Yas "
They both brushed their teeth together then took turns in freshening up.
Once they were done freshening up ; They both took turns in dressing up.
Jason was always the fastest when it comes to dressing up because his clothes were simple mostly combining of hoodies, T shirts, sweaters and loose trousers.
He didn't care too much about what he wears and just put on anything as long as it looks good.
But for Mark it was the total opposite. He would stand in front of the wardrobe and stare at it as if wanting to dump all the clothes in there into the trash and magically find new ones there.
(Intrusive author note : How did this man ever thought he was straight?)
Jason would wait silently for him to make a decision.
This was one of Mark many favorite parts of the morning. Although Jason face was lowered in his phone reading online novels ; Mark know that his concentration is not on the book but on him.
After knowing each other well ; Mark noticed a habit of the silly classmate, His blue eyes turn dark whenever he's aroused.
Not that he was being proud or anything but he knew he looked attractive; Almost everyone said so all the time.
At the moment , He was only wearing boxers so his best assets were in full view to Jason.
White skin , tiny waist , Slightly muscular build , long legs and a perky b*tt.
Who wouldn't want to f*ck this?!
All of a sudden , a random thought strayed into his head.
Why don't he try something with Jason.
He looked at Jason with the corner of his eyes. They have never done anything sexual before except kissing despite they sleep on the same bed.
Should he take the initiative?
"Jason Tang "
Jason raised his head slowly as if he was aware of his misbehavior.
"Yes "
"Can you call the hospital that we might skip work today?"
Jason blinked in confusion " Why ?"
Mark walked closer and squatted to his level ; he lowered his lips to Jason red tipped ear.
"Wanna try s*x?"