CH.0004 - System Types And New World

CH.0004 - System Types And New World

[With this body with damaged meridians, it is not possible for me to use mana and increase my speed. I have no choice but to use my physical abilities.

But if I can spread my soul power around and follow the least bumpy route through the forest, I might be able to shorten my time a little bit.

From here my journey begins. What can I do with my current abilities? It's time to find out.]

Physical strength, mana energy, and soul power are three systems that separate power users from normal humans and give them the strength to resist even kingdoms just by themselves.

Physical strength is the easiest of the resources that can be learned and developed. As the name suggests, it allows people to use mana to improve their bodies and gain power that normal people can't even imagine.

However, due to the capacity of the human body, it has become a system that many people do not fall upon due to the difficulty of developing it at advanced levels. It is only used by those who are not skilled in processing mana energy.

Mana energy is the system most used by people. It allows users to use mana arts by processing the energy in the universe and storing it in their bodies.

Since it is necessary to understand the rules and principles behind the functioning of the mana, it requires a high level of comprehension.

Soul power is the most difficult to learn of the systems. Part of this is due to the scarcity of learning resources.

For this reason, very few people have been able to reach high levels of soul power throughout their lives.

Unlike the other two systems, the user cannot interfere with physical phenomena outside of his or her body unless the soul power reaches higher levels. But that doesn't mean that soul power is useless.

On the contrary, it can be said that it has unlimited potential according to the area in which it is used.

Soul power which resides in the human brain and enables the development of consciousness; can improve the comprehension ability, memory, and perceptions of the user to an incredible extent. It can be used to attack other souls and defend against soul power attacks. If the level of your soul power is higher than that of your opponent, you can destroy his soul in one move and make him fall into eternal sleep.

Although Ezar lost his physical strength and mana energy with the destruction of his real body, he still possessed a soul power that many people could not even imagine.

His soul force, although worn out and depleted at the moment, is more than enough if it's about helping him find his way through the jungle.

With Ezar's focus, his passive soul power activated and began to spread around, centered on Ezar.

When you look at it through the eyes of a normal person, it may seem like nothing has changed, but the same was not true for Ezar.

With the soul power spreading within seconds, everything within the 1 km radius appeared in Ezar's mind.

The veins of tree leaves, the rustling of leaves in the wind, the scent of blooming flowers, the location of every living thing that has soul power, to put it briefly, everything within a radius of 1 km, down to the smallest detail, was included in Ezar's knowledge and perception.

The simplest and most familiar use of soul power; Soul Vision. At this time, Ezar's mind was working even better than the most advanced radars on the earth he had come from.

[Apparently 1 km. I guess that's my current limit. Haa... It's really embarrassing, but that's enough for now.]

If the cultivators of this world had heard what Ezar had said, they would surely have beaten him until he couldn't remember his left and right.

Even those who could be considered masters among cultivators would brag about it every day without exception if they were able to use soul vision within 500 meters radius.

The number of people who can use soul vision within a radius of 1 km in this new world he has come to does not exceed the fingers of both hands, even if you look at the whole of human history.

Ezar, who set out after scanning his surroundings with his soul power, chose to take a long way into the forest by turning 30 degrees to the left instead of going straight into the forest, contrary to what was thought.

[743 meters ahead there is a stony hill. It definitely slows me down if I struggle with climbing. Getting around it will be more time- and energy-efficient.]

Ezar, who set out towards the clan with the knowledge he gained from soul vision, soon entered the forest and began to make his way through the forest.

Although his speed was not very fast, his movements seemed indescribably graceful, mysterious, and strange.

It was as if no stone, bush, or obstacle existed for him. From afar, it looked as if Ezar was not trying to cross the forest, but rather the forest was giving way to Ezar.

Ezar, who passed through the forest as if there were no obstacles, was busy scanning his newly acquired memories as he continued on his way.

After all, he had come to a new world and there were many things he did not know yet. Just like the name of this new world in which he will begin to live.

[Hmm... The name of this world is Lumos. And this world has 4 suns...?!]

Turning his face to the sky with the amazement of the information he learned, Ezar saw that strange but astonishing sight.

Three suns, the light source of this planet, which he learned to be named Lumos, were hanging in the sky.

Three different suns with the colors snow white, flame red, and leaf green evoked the feeling of being in a magical world for those who saw it for the first time.

After looking at the three different colored suns for a while, Ezar turned to face the fourth sun that impressed him the most.

This sun was completely different from the others in terms of both its appearance and the feeling it created in people.

This sun, which was black, created the impression for those who looked at it, that it would swallow them and imprison them in the depths of darkness.

The new information he learned must have intrigued him so much that Ezar watched these four suns hanging in the sky for a while and began to scan his memories to learn more about them.

According to Ezar's memories, you could see at least one of these three suns whenever you looked up in this world called Lumos. Therefore, thanks to these three suns, Lumos was always filled with light and warmth with one exception of course.

Unlike the three other suns of Lumos, the fourth sun radiated darkness instead of light, and wherever its rays fell, it turned into night. Also, unlike other suns, the rays of this sun were cold.

Therefore, the lands on which this sun rose were cloaked in the night, but also lost their warmth and suddenly became cold.

According to Ezar's recollection, one-third of the day; three hours, was spent under the domination of this black sun.

[Ha? What do you mean a third of the day is 3 hours?]

Ezar, who came across different information while scanning his memories, started to dig into his memories.

It seems that a day on Lumos consisted of a total of 9 hours, of which 6 hours were experienced as day and 3 hours at night.

Contrary to the earth, here an hour was considered 100 minutes, not 60 minutes, and likewise, 1 minute was not 60 seconds but 100 seconds. In addition, the word "raba" was used as the equivalent of 10 minutes.

[Apparently, after I get home, I will have to lock myself in my room for a while and organize my memories.]


[But on the other hand, these four suns in the sky give me a strange yet familiar feeling. I wonder...]

Contemplating the suns in Lumos, Ezar awoke from his thoughts on information from his soul vision and stopped his steps. Turning his direction to his right, he turned his gaze to the base of a tree about 800 meters ahead and began to approach quickly.

"You must be kidding. Nearly a 2,000-year-old ginseng cannot be just sitting under a tree waiting to be picked up! ..."