CH.0008 - Mystic Items And A Promise

CH.0008 - Mystic Items And A Promise

Unwilling to admit defeat, Ezar approached the bag and placed his hand on the bag, focusing his soul power. Ezar, who had been scanning the bag with his soul power for a while, finally found the answer he was looking for, but the answer he found caused him to be even more surprised than before.

[Is this a… spatial mystic item?]

Like mystic plants that absorb mana while they grow up, mystic items are treasures that contain mana when they are made.

There are even some natural-born treasures with absorbing world mana but usually, mystic items are made by mystic item masters who are using mana arrays, mana diagrams, mana runes, etc.

And space-type mystic items are one of the rarest types of all the types. Regardless of their ranks, all the space-type mystic items are hard to find because to make a space-type mystic item you need a master seeker who has space affinity or you have to find space-type recourses.

[As a world protector even after more than half a millennium I didn't have a space-type mystic item. And the first time I get one it was a huge chest. Now, on my first day in this new world, I walked into a cave and found a space-type mystic item, I can't be that lucky, right?

Is Lumos too rich or earth is too poor?]

Ezar closed his eyes and began to search his memories again.

He knew that Earth can't be compared with Lumos but according to his soul vision; mana density in Lumos shouldn't be too high.

Lumos can be a top second-level world or a new first-level world but even in the top first-level worlds, you can't find a space-type mystic item this easily.

After a while, Ezar's eyes opened again.

[As I thought, space-type mystic items are really rare in this world. There are only 3 known space-type mystical items in my clan. One of three is in the hands of the clan leader and the other two are hands of grand elders.]

Ezar looked at the skeleton in deep thought.

"Just who you are? Who are your enemies? And how much power do they have that forced you to flee into this fog? Haaaa... Looks like the answers have to wait. At least until I pass his test."

Ezar turned back to the space-type mystic item again. Even if just luck he had to admit that a space-type mystic item was really useful for him right now. With this item, he could now store his loads inside it, and no one could know he had precious mystic plants.

Also seems like this bag had protection seals on it. Even he couldn't figure out that it is a space-type mystic item on his first try with his soul vision.

Truthfully, he felt like someone send him charcoal in snowy weather.

Ezar focused his soul power on the bag.

If someone wants to use a mystic item he or she has to bind it with himself or herself. Otherwise, mystic item rejects foreign mana and soul power and cause backlash or even explode. Each situation is harmful to the user so nobody really tries it.

Normally people use their blood to bound mystic items to themself but Ezar doesn't need to do that. With his absurdly high soul power, it was an easy job for him.

Wen his soul power gathered and imprinted the bag Ezar's soul vision suddenly enlarged. but not outwards, but towards the inside of the bag.

"One hundred cubic meters? It is larger than I think. Not that I mind though. The bigger is the better to me. Huh... There are a few things inside!"

Ezar hastily used his soul power to grab and pull the things inside to outside.


An alchemy cauldron in half of his height, a pair of daggers with their scabbards attached to a leather belt, and seven booklets dropped to the ground.

"Look like the old man really wanted to pass his legacy. Cauldron and daggers aside there are even antra scripts in here. And it seems they are the old man's main antra cultivation and martial arts techniques.

I really want to study them but I don't have time for this right now. I must go back to the clan asap.

But these daggers can be helpful along the journey to me. Throwing rocks already began to toll my body."

Ezar pulled daggers from their scabbards and began the examine them.

"Another mystic item! Really good daggers. I can feel with my soul vision that there are several mana arrays in them. Even there are a few mana diagrams.

Look like when someone injects mana into them they shape the mana and convert them into sharp blades on the surface of metal blades. The more mana injects sharper the blades become. Simple but elegant. I really like them.

Shame. I can't activate them because of my cripple mana veins. Hell, I even can't bound them with me if I haven't high-grade soul power. Haaa, life is really tough for those crossing worlds.

But even if I can't activate them still I can use them in close combat. They are made from high-quality materials. So even using them as normal weapons is enough for now."

Ezar quickly used his soul power to bound daggers with himself. After that put daggers into their scabbards and placed them along with the leather belt on the stone table.

He decided to put his loads into the bag before putting on the belt.

He opened his bag which was made from his waistband and gathered 14 kinds of mystic plants before putting them into to space-type mystic bag. And he also put the cauldron and booklets inside the bag again. He decided to examine them after reaching the clan and checking his home.

After wrapping his waistband around his waist again Ezra put the leather belt on and positioned daggers behind his waist crossing each other. And placed the space-type mystic item on his belt.

"Well, 'space-type mystic item' name is really long. In my past life, I just call them cosmos bags or cosmos rings. I will do that in this life too."

Yeah, when he was the protector of earth he named 'space-type mystic items' just cosmos items. And why not a space item or something else?

Because he thought that cosmos word is cool. Yeah cool. He named them like that because he thinks that the cosmos word sounds really really cool.

(Ezra: What do you mean "he thinks"? Cosmos word is a really cool word.)

When he's done he focused only object he didn't examine on the stone table; the box.

He reached the box, hold his hand, and began to scan with his soul vision.

"So your test is a mana labirent. Clever, I guess. This way you can be sure that when somebody opens this box he will be already more powerful than your enemy."

As the name suggests mana labirent is a labirent for mana itself. When someone injects mana, it begins to follow every path he across. If someone has enough mana he or she easily reaches the final lock and the box opens. But if someone hasn't enough mana he or she never reaches the final lock.

And only one person can inject same time otherwise box doesn't open.

So if someone calculates meticulously which antra cultivation level can hold how much mana then he or she can create a mana labirent only people with specific antra cultivation level or higher can open it.

"You probably create this box for someone who can beat your enemy or maybe someone who at least protects himself against your enemy.

Sorry but, you just wait for the wrong guy. Other people can open this box only after they reach a specific antra cultivation level because they can't control their mana. When thir mana scatters they also lost the chance to open the box.

But mana control doesn't a problem for me. I can open this box in 5 seconds. Well, after I heal my mana veins of course. Uhhh, I really fix them quickly."

Ezra placed the box into the cosmos bag. Slowly walked to the stone bed and stopped in front of the seeker's skeleton.

"I know you left these gifts and the box for someone who can take revenge for you.

Sorry, but I can't promise you that. At the moment, I do not know who is right, who is wrong, and what crime the guilty party has committed. So I can't give a promise that injures or kills the innocent.

But I can promise you something: Justice.

I will fount out who is right and who is wrong. And I will figure out what crime the guilty party has committed.

I will punish them according to their crime. You can be sure about that.

So if you were right and your enemies were wrong you can rest in peace. Because I will punish them and take your revenge. That is the only promise I can give you.

Thank you and goodbye."