CH.0013 - House Of Silverlion

CH.0013 - House Of Silverlion


While Ezar was shouting at them, unintentionally he leaked some bloodlust. He was really pissef of right now. He could tolerate their mocking of him. But even dared to mock his family.

He couldn't play the weak while someone was humiliating his family. Even though they weren't his real family, they were still his family.

To him who has never had one, the family was his bottom line. Period. 

And anyone who touched or insulted his family had to pay for it.

When guards felt the bloodlust coming from Ezar they stepped back involuntarily.

And when they realized that they were scared because of the trash, their faces blushed like tomatoes in shame. If other guards saw them like this, they would definitely mock them to eternity. So one of them gathered his courage and talked back to gain his lost dignity.

"Hmph, you are just a trash! Even if we mocked you, what can you do?"

"WHAT CAN I DO? Hahahaha, you didn't just mock me who is the only heir of a grand general and clan founder house, you also mocked my family.

Do you want to know what I will do to you? I won't do anything!

I just will go to see the clan leader and elders and ask them to punish the sinners who cursed me, my family, and my Silverlion House."

Guard faces now became paper white. In the past when they were mocking this trash, he never fought back. He always hung his head down and took their mocking. Just what was changed?

Although they didn't want to accept the situation, they knew that if this trash tells what happened here to the clan leader and elders, they will be heavily punished. That is for sure!

When they were thinking about the consequences of their behaviors, Ezar slowly walked in front of the guard who blocked his way with a spear and stopped when their faces were ten centimeters away.

"So do dare to repeat again what you said before?"


"Hımm, so you think a simple "no" is enough!"

"I...we...we are sorry."

"Kneel!" Ezar increased his bloodlust pressure on them.

---Bang, bang, bang

Three of them kneeled on their both knees with scarry pressure. How could he be this scary? Is he possessed by a demon?

"Now. Apologize... sincerely!"

They gritted their teeth with shame. They were unwilling. But what could they do? Who told them to annoy this trash, no, this demon? The only thing they could do was what was told to them.

"We are sorry, we shouldn't mock you."

"Young master, please forgive us. We won't do it again!"

"Yes, young master, please don't tell the clan elders and clan leader."

"Hmph, bullying the weak and fearing the strong. How noble! You will never be able to be more than watchdogs."

He turned around and walked in the clan doors to go to his home. It was on the north side of the clan lands.

His house; the house of Silverlion was one of the founder houses when the clan was built.

And Ezar's paternal great-grandfather was a grand general who fought and defeated countless enemies when the clan was still journeying and trying to find a place to settle.

And after his clan settled here more than a millennium years ago, his great-grandfather was also titled with the supreme elder position. So his position was nearly equal to the clan leader.

And after the second generation took the rule, his grandfather also held both grand general and supreme elder positions. So one could say that the house of Silverlion was the most powerful house in the clan.

But all of them changed in this third generation. Right now the house of Silverlion was facing the danger of extinction.

Don't get wrong, all of them were not because of his father's incapacity. On the contrary, he was one of the most talented Silverlion. And according to some people, he was even more talented than Ezar's great-grandfather.

One should know that in this world families and houses couldn't choose their last names. They have to earn their names.

First-generation of a family or a house have to prove themselves and make some achievements to take their last names from the community.

And if their next generations couldn't be worthy of their last names, they might be banished from their houses while losing their last names.

On the contrary, if the family or house accomplishes some bigger achievements the community might give them a more noble or heroic last name.

Some might have thought that the silver in the "Silverlion" came from the iconic silver hairs of family members. But it didn't.

It came from their contracted soul beast. Yeah, the House of Silverlion's secret family antra technique was a rare summoning technique.

Although the beasts summoned from the summoning technique were random, for generations, all the house heads and house heirs successfully summoned a silverlion. A powerful beast that no normal beast in the same class could withstand against it.

And like other house heads Ezar's father also successfully summoned and contracted a silverlion. Moreover a very powerful one. And he became the youngest grand elder in the clan. Everybody thought that the house of silverlion would reach new heights under his rule.

But fate had other plans. Five years ago his father was ambushed and killed along with his mother and his one year brother.

And a few months after their parents his elder sister who was five years older than him was forced to marry someone from another clan with the clan council's degree.

When his sister left the clan to join his husband's clan he was the only one with silverlion blood left in the clan. In five years people left his house one by one.

And now the house of silverlion had five people including a crippled house head. So the house was at the door of going extinct.

Everyone in the clan was waiting for the next coming-of-age ceremony. After this ceremony, Ezar would officially become an adult.

And with his crippled mana veins, everyone knew that he couldn't pass the ceremony. That means after the coming-age-ceremony he would lose his last name. With the last heir losing his last name, the house would also go extinct.

But all of them left in the past. Because Ezar's one of his favorite hobbies was face slapping. 

They thought he was a trash, right? They also thought he couldn't pass the age-coming-ceremony, right? They even thought he would lose his last name and his house, right? 

"Heh, They should better prepare their cheeks because right now my palms are really itchy."