CH.0023 - I Will Wait Till Eternity If Necessary

CH.0023 - I Will Wait Till Eternity If Necessary

"I don't intend to hide from you. It is just I couldn't find the right time to tell you. Well, I can tell you right now, but you have to promise me that you will not seek revenge for now."


Nuna's aura changed suddenly. Her bloodlust spread randomly and when squinted her eyes while holding her sword's hilt.

"Young master… who was it?"

"Hey, hey. Nuna you should calm down."

"Young master how can I calm down? Some… somebody tried to harm the young master and I even didn't there to protect the young master. I will definitely kill them."


Ezar walked to the Nuna and flicked her forehead.


That flip vanquished Nuna's bloodlust in a moment. Right now she was rubbing her forehead with her two hands while pouting her cheeks and looking at Ezar with angry eyes.

"Young master why did you flick my forehead. I am not a kid anymore. You can't just flick my forehead like we were young.

"First, whenever I flicked your forehead you always looked at me with a pouting face. Your pouting face is really cute and I like your cute face more than your cold face."

Ezar was talking while patting Nuna's head. After she heard Ezar's words her face turned red like a tomato.

"And secondly, that flick at your forehead was your punishment for not listening to me clearly."

Nuna now was looking Ezar with a questining eyes.

"I said, 'You have to promise me that you will not seek revenge for now.'

I didn't say we won't seek revenge. But that revenge has to wait for now.

When the time came I will personally take my revenge. You will not take a man's revenge from his hands, right Nuna?"

Right now Nuna was looking at Ezar with awe. Her young master changed. He was more confident and more… manly at the moment.

[Why am I feeling that the safest place in the world was the young master's side right now?

Like even if the sky falls at the moment he will shoulder it for me.

Uwwwaahh… Why I am thinking? I am the one who should protect the young master, not the other way around.]

"I understand young master. I will not take your revenge from you but I follow you and protect your back always."

"Haha, good girl. I knew you will understand me. And of course, you will be always at my side. Even if you want to leave I don't have any intention to let you go."

Nuna's tomato face now became scarlet because of Ezar's words.

Ezar thought that if he tease her a little more her head would be blown up because of the heat.

"Let's go. The north main square isn't far."

"Hımm. But I still want to know who was the culprit and what he or she did to the young master."

Nuna told to Ezar while everting her eyes. Although she was looking at the ground there was a silly smile on her face.

"Sure. But you should control your emotions. I don't want some curious flies to come and disturb us."

"Hımm. I will."

Both of them continued to walk again. But this time Ezar was walking in front while Nuna was following him from behind.

Ezar began to tell her story while spreading his soul power around.

[Soul Vision. Activate.]

Like he said that he doesn't want the same flies to come and listen to their conversation.

"That day I was bored at the mansion and went outside to take some fresh air. And before you became angry I know I was wrong.

I should have listened to your advice and stayed at home. But what could I do?

The mansion became boring when Nuna wasn't there."

"Hmph. Looks like the young master's mouth became a poisonous one after five days. I will forget you this time. So, go on."

"Well. After I strolled in the main squares for a while, I went to the riverside. I rested there for some time while listening to the water's sound.

And just when I want to go back Sutra and his lackeys showed up."

"Sutra! Sutra Yotku from the House of Shadow! Grand Elder Ukay's grandson! I should know it was him."

"Yotku" last name belonged to the House of Shadow. They were using this last name for their retainers and servants who joined the House.

After all, they didn't main Shadow family's blood in their blood veins. So they had to use another last name.

But that doesn't mean that their last name was useless. Eventually, it was proof that they were part of a Founder House and this was mostly enough to earn respect from people.

The House of Silverlions was using the "Rundolf" last name for their retainers and servants. So Grandpa Bora, Grandma Suma, Lily, and Nuna's last name was Rundolf.

Of course, always there were some exceptions. If some retainers and servants achieved a big accomplishment, they could be rewarded with the main family's last name.

Sutra's grandfather Ukay was a elder retainer elder at the House of Shadow.

Besides being a grand elder at the clan council he was also a deputy elder at the House of Shadow. The left hand of the clan leader.

"At first they were like just usual. They were mocking and laughing but suddenly they surrounded me.

After detained my arms they put a plant in my mouth and forme me to swallow it. It was a black daffodil."

"Black daffodil? Isn't it the plant that nubs the human body for about 2-3 hours? It isn't a poisonous one."

"Yeah. But after my body was numbed they threw me into the river."

"What?!!! How is different from committing murder? How could they dare? Just who think they are?"

Nuna held her sword's hilt again and she was nearly spreading her bloodlust again but this time she controlled herself.

She calmed herself and released her sword's hilt.

"Nevermind. It doesn't matter anymore. Young master is safe and here. And I am sure young muster will give them what they deserve in the future."

"Hmm. Exactly. Nuna is a quick learner."

Ezar patted her head again while praising her.

"Ezar, don't praise me like a kid."

Nuna told him with a pouting face while straightening her hair with her hands.



"Finally I heard my name from your mouth again."

Ezar walked in front of her and brought his face close to hers. There were just 10 centimeters between their faces.

—Ba-dump…. ba-dump…. ba-dump

Nuna's heart was beating like a drum.

Ezar looked directly at her eyes.

"It has been a really long time since the last time I heard you call me with my name.

Did you know, I never want you to call me with the young master. Actually… I never want to become your young master. What I want was to become…"

—Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump

Nuna's heart was now beating at a crazy pace.


Ezar pulled his face back from hers again.

"I wish you could call me my name like in the past."

[Idiot Ezar, stupid Ezar, idiotic stupid Ezar. Why didn't finish your sentence? Idiot, idiot, stupid, idiot.]

"I-I can call you with your name if that is what you want."



"I don't want you to call me by my name because I wanted from you. I want you to call me by my name just because you wanted."



Ezar again brought his face close to hers.

"In the past, I didn't have the courage to go after the things I really wanted. But now I have.

And this time I definitely go after it. It doesn't matter how long it will take. I have time and I will wait till eternity if necessary."

Before Ezar pull his head back again he went forward and pecked a kiss on her right cheek.

Even before Nuna understand what was going on Ezar was already walking to the north main square again.

Nuna touched her right cheek which Ezar kissed.


Nuna ran to reach Ezar but this time she didn't follow him from behind. She walked with him side by side.

Both of them walked for a raba quietly while Nuna glanced at Ezar from time to time from the corner of her eyes.

Right now they could see the north main square in front of them.

"What happened to y-you after they threw you into the river?"

"What could happen? I died."

"You… you. Don't even joke about that. Never. Ever."

"Sorry, sorry. But seriously I thought I was dead before closed my eyes. And when I opened my eyes again I found myself lying at the riverside at the south of the clan.

I rested for a while and after that, I went into the forest in the south to cross it and reach the clan.

I wasted some time when I resting and crossing the forest so I thought I was outside for one or two days. Never thought it has been already five days.

"Hımm? Forest at the south? Y-you… young master, you crossed that forest? That's impossible. There is no way you could pass that forest."

Nuna was suddenly surprised when she heard that Ezar had come here through the forest in the south.

[Hımm? Is there a problem with the forest? Isn't a just a forest. It looked like totally normal to me.]

Ezar began to scan his memories again. And;

[Oh, Sh.t! That forest was The Forest of Absolute Death.]