Destroy A Weak Opponent. Weaken A Strong Opponent.

After seeing the ship, Floid asked Rizi how long it would take for her to complete the mass production of more ships and Rizi immediately answered that it would take less than two months. Making this first one was hard because they had to make it from only the knowledge from the blueprints. But now that they already have a good sample that works they will be able to use magic to pump out a mass production in two months at least.

Floid smiled as his dangerous eyes narrowed. That would be perfect. In that time, he would be able to make some plans for Aquinas. He didn't want his people to go into a kingdom without an assurance of victory! If they are going to attack Aquinas, then they must be certain of their victory. Floid was an investor, and he would never make an investment if he didn't see success in the future. Ruling the demons was exactly like an investment for Floid!

Floid turned around and put his hand on Rizi's head with a quiet 'Good work Rizi'.