How To Break An Undead!

The resonance immediately transported everyone into the cave once more and Reginald first ordered hundred of undead to attack Dragonnel! He would first get rid of the biggest threat here. Dragonnel is the first person that had to die!

But even as a horde of skeletons ran towards him, Dragonnel remained impassive. He was standing beside Rosavellt and waiting for his master's orders. Dragonnel didn't move a muscle, but once the skeletons got close to Dragonnel they immediately shattered like glass! Dragonnel didn't even need to activate a skill, he just released a bit of his Mana and the space around Dragonnel was so cold that the bones of the skeleton became brittle and shattered

Reginald's eyes widened as he was shocked by this! How is this possible!? Dragonnel is meant to be low on Mana!! How is he still able to freeze my undead familiars?!?

"So this is resonance? No wonder it's a stronger form of magic. If I was anyone else then this would be the end of me,"