Finding Ophis.

Freya scoffed at the expression on her head guard as she went back to sitting alone. She didn't even bother talking to these idiots. None of them deserve to be protected by her. They didn't have the beauty or strength of the hero so why should she go out of her way to protect them?


The people in the room suddenly shouted in fear as a great sound echoed through the room! There was someone at the door! The head guard quickly told everyone to calm down! The door was reinforced with Mana stones and nothing less than an SSS-class can break it down! The head guard was sure that none of the demons had that kind of power!

Bang!! Bang! Boom!


Three more hits echoed through the room before an even greater force slammed into the door and it came crashing down! Everyone's eyes were wide as they saw the blue-haired man standing there.