So What?

"Where is Rosa? She isn't done with her task yet?"

Floid was curious why Rosavellt hadn't come back yet. She was supposed to be back from the academy by now but she still wasn't here. Once Floid asked this question, Alucard turned and stared at Rizi and Pyra. These two were the ones that went with Rosavellt to the academy and they are the ones that would know where she is.

When Rizi noticed that Pyra wasn't going to speak up and had to step forward and tell their master that she didn't know why Rosavellt was not back yet. They all left the academy together and Rizi knew that Rosavellt was supposed to be back by now. Once she was finished, Rizi looked to the side and stared at Pyra with a worried expression. What happened to make Pyra this shaken up? Ever since Pyra came back from the academy she immediately sought out an audience with the demon lord and after their conversation, she has been like this ever since. Was there something that happened in the school?