Reason For Treason.

Dulla listened closely as the red-haired man spoke. He pointed to various points on the map.

"The demon lord rules over more than half of Aradite. The other half is filled with humans and we don't need to bother with that for now. If we want to really hit the demon lord, we need to start our attack from the outskirts and slowly make our way to the capital of Hampshire. If we can take a large portion of the demon world and even the capital Hampshire, then we can easily call for reinforcement when we want to attack the castle. I think the best course of action is a slow attack that spans over a few months. At most, maybe six months or more,"

Dulla hummed as she heard this. It sounded like a good plan, but there was still the issue of the demon lord. And not only the demon lord. What about his household?