This Is All Floid's Fault

Quinn was undeniably happy when she heard about what her brother did. Floid really stabbed someone in the eye! Quinn had never given her parents this sort of trauma before and her family never had to be called to the police station to speak about her before. This was a permanent stain on Floid's record and he can never get rid of it. No matter what he does, this will follow him for the rest of his life.

The police allowed Floid to be taken home because their parents paid a huge settlement sum to keep the case away from court. They gave Floid a private tutor and a bodyguard to protect others from him.

Quinn enjoyed every moment of it in silence. She continued doing well in school and she just watched as her brother became more and more of a disappointment. Floid didn't care for learning from his tutors and he also intimidated his bodyguards so much that they had to change them ten times in less than three years.