Welcome To The Hotel Royale

Rosavellt calmly watched the demon lord enter the carriage to leave for Trad. She truly wished she could come with him. She hates it when she is not near the demon lord to help him! But since he gave her the order to stay back, she has no choice but to obey. she would never defy him, instead, she will make sure that the castle is spotless when he comes back! Once the carriage rode away from the castle, Rosavellt turned and started walking into the castle. The moment she started to walk, all the other servants started to run back inside as well! No one even wasted a moment as they tried to make sure they were already working before she got into the castle! Rosavellt never says anything aloud but the maids always knew exactly what she wanted them to do and they know that she will punish them if they aren't doing it!