The Price Of Failure

The soldiers that took the hero away from the fight were already on their way towards the kingdom in the wagons that they came here with! Quinn was lying down inside one of the agons and she groaned as another headache hit her head and made her skull pound! The headaches were getting worse and there was a serious fever running through her body as she started to shift and groan in pain. The lack of mana inside her body was starting to slowly make her nervous system break down and the healer sitting beside her knew that it was only a matter of time before the hero kicks the bucket! The healer put her head outside the front of the wagon and shouted to the man driving!

"Can't you go any faster!? She won't last long if we don't take her to an experienced healer!"

"Shut up! For the fifteenth time, I'm going as fast as I can! Or do you want to come up here and drive by yourself!?"